Sentences with phrase «concept of sustainability»

The ideas outlined below are intended to complement concepts of sustainability included in two associated Reports on: Population and Housing in the Greater Dublin area (GDA) and County Meath; and Principles of Sustainable Land - use and Transport Planning.
In the end, I guess my point really is that environmental sustainability is important all on its own, and doesn't need to be fluffed up with issues like workplace safety or leadership diversity or CEO pay; and issues like workplace safety and leadership diversity and CEO pay are too important to stuff into the simple concept of sustainability.
By providing students in all disciplines with concepts of sustainability, universities are taking on a more essential role — giving students a broader perspective for whatever profession they choose and helping to create a more inclusive, responsible society.
«We discuss why inclusion of local peoples» knowledges and myriad perspectives is crucial to developing appropriate indicators and management approaches for the intricately linked concepts of sustainability and well - being, and suggest ways to bridge between these locally derived solutions and broader scale efforts.»
The concept is so new that a standard definition of GreenSTEM — one that fuses the real - world connections intrinsic to STEM learning with the deeper concept of sustainability — has yet to be penned.
Through successive plantings of different flora, the forest garden becomes a living repository of perennial vegetables, where visitors can explore various concepts of sustainability, as well as human relationships with nature, ecology, agriculture, and food.
RC: That the international market opens to us the possibility of connecting to consumers who have the same concepts of sustainability that in our countries is still a small fraction.
Green concepts of sustainability and resilience were also hard sells in a country where discussions about climate are so politicized.
a well balanced concept of sustainability including minimal impact on the local environment, affordable to heat and cool, and affordable to build and purchase... Homes should be shotgun typology and strive to create cohesive neighborhoods.
The very concept of sustainability has evolved to include a wide range of environmental, social and governance issues that permeate businesses from the property level to the C - suite.
This led to the concept of the sustainability journey being discussed further, as the group considered how you recognise commitment to meet the «high bar» and the journey producers are taking; reinforcing the fact that attaining a standard or holding a label is not the end result — sustainability is the ultimate goal.
The Leader Group says one of the main keys to its success is its devotion to the concept of sustainability, which means harvesting fish without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs in the years to come.
Ionescu also describes the idea of sustainability «hotspots» for any producer, furthering the concept of sustainability as a continuum:
To place the concept of sustainability into the context of winegrowing, the program defines sustainable winegrowing as growing and winemaking practices that are sensitive to the environment (Environmentally Sound), responsive to the needs and interests of society - at - large (Socially Equitable), and are economically feasible to implement and maintain (Economically Feasible).
Chef events, Martin raises the food IQ of elementary students by introducing them to the fundamentals of cooking, the concept of sustainability, and the joys of eating whole, fresh foods.
Furthermore, the concept of sustainability has gained a foothold in Western New York.
«It would be great if the concept of sustainability became so ingrained in all of us that companies wouldn't need a dedicated person to tell departments what to do.
Although the concept of sustainability still lacks a clear definition, its introduction has led to a surprisingly large number of opportunities for science and research in Germany.
And while panel discussions and topics are yet to be confirmed, Firth notes that making the concept of sustainability more accessible is high on the agenda.
Watch the video and complete the worksheet, which focuses on vocabulary and the concept of sustainability in the fashion industry.
The MPX curriculum needs to be as rigorous as it is innovative, so we spent the summer planning out the details for a challenging, interdisciplinary, yearlong project that would center around the concepts of sustainability and food security.
«We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children ``, invokes an ancient proverb that sums up the essence of the concept of sustainability that aims to not endanger future generations.
Tom Sabo, a science teacher who's been at the school for almost 20 years, sent an email to see who was interested in having a conversation around using the concept of sustainability to make cross-disciplinary connections.
The concept of sustainability is visible in a concrete context via the school's greenhouse and food production model.
At MHS, the concept of sustainability is considered both important content to teach (by looking at the economic, social, and environmental angles) and an approach to teaching itself.
Montpelier High School uses the concept of sustainability to make curriculum connections across a wide variety of disciplines at the school, from students studying nutrient cycles in biology class, to learning about sustainability through the lens of economics, or even looking at how energy is sustainable in physics class.
He says next year's programs translate into other subjects students may be studying in their respective curriculums, including one show which is rooted in the concept of sustainability.
Introducing students to the concept of sustainability and the environment is a fantastic way to teach empathy and the importance of helping others.
Green Education Programs The Alternative Fuel Foundation is offering grants for programs that promote the concept of sustainability.
The BMW i3 and BMW i3s apply the concept of sustainability throughout as other materials used are recycled plastics, renewable raw materials, natural fibers and open - pored, unbleached eucalyptus wood.
Like the BMW i3, the BMW i3s applies the concept of sustainability throughout the interior and exterior of the vehicle, incorporating recycled plastics, renewable raw materials, natural fibres, and open - pored, unbleached eucalyptus wood in the design.
Like the BMW i3, the BMW i3s applies the concept of sustainability throughout the interior and exterior of the vehicle, incorporating recycled plastics, renewable raw materials, natural fibers, and open - pored, unbleached eucalyptus wood in the design.
Centered on the concepts of sustainability and vitality, the plan outlines our revised mission statement, and renews our commitment to being stewards of Joan Mitchell's legacy and being artist - centered.
It's about exploring the concept of sustainability.
The theme for the Sustainable Brands ® 2014 conferences, Reimagine, Redesign, Regenerate, brings the concept of sustainability full circle, highlighting ways that businesses can create — and mainstream — regenerative models that not only result in less bad (carbon, waste, etc.) but also help create more good.
«It's really breaking new ground and that's why we are going kind of cautiously — in terms of Great Northern Way Campus partnership and the concept of sustainability itself,» said Marshall Heinekey, dean of academic planning at BCIT.
The concept of sustainability seems unassailable until one realizes that, like disarmament, it could only work fairly if every nation pursued it simultaneously.
As the concept of sustainability takes root in corporate culture, many business leaders today are discovering what it means to measure performance against the triple bottom line.
To achieve that difficult - to - define state of mind would require the resources of between two and six planet Earths, according to a new study in a new journal that takes the concept of sustainability and applies some planetary arithmetic.
This helps provide a definition of the concept of sustainability that's easily understood among the broader public... but it also creates the risk of undermining the complexities of the concept.
If the Irish construction industry is truly to rapidly embrace the concept of sustainability, leadership from the public sector will be paramount in setting the right example.
It was truly inspiring to see an organization whose entire existence is based upon the concept of sustainability, walk away with so many great initiatives.
«Kimberly - Clark has long recognized the importance of corporate responsibility and integrated the concept of sustainability in our business practices,» the FAQ on Kleenex Hand Towels reassuringly announces.
Merono NY was founded with a vision to develop products based on the concept of sustainability.
promote the concept of sustainability to the public, colleagues and fellow professionals through talks, tours, literature, displays and workshops;
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