Sentences with phrase «concept of the film»

BE: How close is the film to the original concept of the film, and was it difficult shooting the nude scenes?
The whole concept of the film touches on not just point of view, but memories and individual realities.
However, the clever concept of the film is brought to the big screen fairly well.
The core concept of the film is pure gold, but it's the way Byrkit introduces it and then how he so deftly manipulates all of the elements within it that turns the idea into something rousing and unforgettable.
Characters and their relationships were defined by the pure concept of the film, as it paired Taron Egerton's rough and troubled Eggsy with Colin Firth's suave, well mannered Agent Galahad.
When we were presented with the brilliant concept of this film, coupled with Oren's pedigree it made the decision very easy,» said FilmNation Entertainment's Glen Basner.
Allen recognized as much when commenting on the motivating concept of the film — a small cast in one location — stating his desire to «work in play form deliberately.»
The movie poster elicits thoughts of humor and while comedy is an underlying concept of the film, the...
On the second disc, there is the new Director's Cut restoring the original concept of the film along with a couple of featurettes explaining the differences between the two versions and how it came to be in the first place.
The lack of any real action was also a minor letdown, but the main concept of the film — where the audience basically spends two hours watching these men slowly die as they await their rescue — is brilliant.
So the whole concept of this film seems to be that Raging Bull meets Rocky with a dose of comedy.
Always inspired by images, the director uses photographs to orient the visual concept of her films.
This concept of the film would soon be scrapped though.
I liked the concept of the film and enjoyed some it.
The concept of the film, like most of Hoblit's films is very engaging film.
I enjoyed the concept of the film, and it made this film quite entertaining.
While I like the concept of this film, and truly enjoyed the performances, not everything lands.
The concept of the film is good, and it's got some good ideas for an effective horror film, and it makes Brainscan a worthy film to watch.
I don't even think they have the concept of the film right, as it appears that even the «Natural History Museum» angle was taken beyond natural history to include actual human history, as characters like Teddy Roosevelt (Williams, Man of the Year), Attila the Hun (Gallagher, Sideways), Egyptian princes, and the mighty Roman Empire itself are part of the overall ensemble.
Loved the concept of the film, but the trailer tells too much and the film just might go the familiar commercial way rather than having an indie feel to it.
The concept of the film sounds pretty fun and with Steven Spielberg directing it, this seems as pretty close to a safe bet as we can get these days.
Sam Raimi, the director of the first Spider - Man movies, first developed the concept of a film adaptation of Thor in 1991, but soon abandoned the project, leaving it in «development hell» for nearly a decade.
In 1975, George Lucas and Philip Kaufman came up with the concept of a film that would pay homage to the action serials of the 1930's and 40's like The Adventures of Captain Marvel or Dick Tracy — you know, the one's were they'd always end in a cliffhanger?
With a running time that's about ten minutes longer than the feature itself, this documentary starts with the concept of the film and takes the viewer through the intensely complex process of the visual effects.
By grounding the concept of the film with reality, it adds a whole new dimension of horror and realism to the film.
The concept of the film could be reduced to «What if Bourne malfunctioned?»
In December 2006, Ballroom Marfa presents a month of independent film, in an effort to promote the concept of film as an art and expand the awareness of independent film.
Immediately excited by the concept of a film that attempts to explain the function of emotions, I couldn't wait to get to the theater.
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