Sentences with phrase «conception about»

The consultant needs to understand the market demands and have a clear conception about the current job openings.
Must you are trying to get the actual smartphone below ten thousand with correct battery serve, then the Moto E4 plus would per chance presumably moreover be conception about.
Generally, People have mis - conception about indian food that presuming it is always hot hot.
«For example, if you've got a student who is highly confident about what they think they know, then they might attempt to plough ahead with learning despite the fact that they may have the wrong conception about something.»
I think people have a mis - conception about Southwestern style, that we typically just wear cowboy hats and broom stick skirts.
First, in consciousness of himself: for to despair about the eternal is impossible without having a conception about the sell, that there is something eternal in it, or that it has had something eternal in it.
So, friend, your conception about God, His character and His nature is not correct, and is not based on anything He reveals about Himself.
you sound like children being angry at your parents for not letting you play in the street and you have no conception about death by automoblie..
It is difficult for any organization to claim that they have flexibility when their upper management and lower - level employees have opposing conceptions about whether balance is actually occurring.
Why It's Worth Reading: The book challenges a lot of the common conceptions about negotiating, including the famous win - win bromides and the «BATNA» (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) theory.
The new reality which broke into human experience in the person of Jesus becomes more distinct not through new conceptions about a transcendent reality, but through the growing experience of the power of that reality to bring transformation and healing in daily life.
Yes, it may damage many of our conceptions about the church, the world, and ourselves, but it is always enlightening to ask this question.
Whitehead's statements on the origin of mathematics, the criteria and characteristics of its historical development, and the present conceptions about the interrelation of its basic disciplines belong to the field of historical mathematics.
This is a crisply written and well researched book that tells us to reimagine marriage in ways that fit our modern conceptions about love, monogamy, security and child rearing.
Written off by election experts and shunned by the political establishment, former Rep. Anthony Weiner has once again upended popular conceptions about him, vaulting to the front of the race for mayor — in part due to his celebrity and aggressive manner.
The Y ties together major components to nail down myocilin's overall form, overturning previous conceptions about the protein's appearance.
«The future of freshwater biodiversity is inextricably linked to land and water infrastructure management,» writes N LeRoy Poff of Colorado State University in his guest editorial for ESA Frontiers, in which he contemplates whether rivers have changed so much that we need to rethink some of our conceptions about restoration.
But the Chinese have had their own conceptions about air, and links between air and human health, for more than 2000 years.
««Contrary to popular conceptions about precocious college dropouts with big ideas, U.S. innovators actually tend to be experienced and highly educated,» concludes the study, which is based on a survey of more than 900 people associated with «meaningful and marketable» recent inventions.
I have cleared my so many conceptions about the use of fibers from your perspective.
In fact, very few respondents held correct conceptions about five aspects of Common Core standards.
Third, current pre-service teacher education and subsequent in - service professional development (PD) is characterised by very narrow conceptions about how teachers should teach — aided and abetted by the content of Australian State and Territory curriculum documents.
Because the video presenter treats students as though they have the same existing knowledge and prior conceptions about that information, even though those conceptions vary widely, even though some of them are surprisingly durable and require direct confrontation.
As I started to learn more and understand more, I started to really see that we have these notions or conceptions about people who are troubled that often aren't really honest about what that person is really going through.
Cleaversoft's EarthNight will throw all of your conceptions about the endless runner genre out the window and then kick them to the curb.
They encourage the participant to «drop all conceptions about cartesian space» or structuralist completeness, instead «[allow] one's visual attention to wander» suggesting «three - dimensional chess or some other very complicated board game.»
«Orrick's move has revolutionized conceptions about normal law - firm structures...» California Lawyer, 2003.
However, if s / he has a strong pattern of promotions to new challenges, that may overturn the common conceptions about a too - long tenure.
For example, the facilitator engages the group in a game called «agree / disagree» to help the teens realize their conceptions about wants and needs in a relationship.
Mothers and Grandmothers in Social Vulnerability: Conceptions About Care and Institutional Shelter
, we need some common conceptions about it.

Not exact matches

While I'm not qualified to speak on the likelihood of vertical trailer parks, I can say that this conception of VR as a mainstream technology is about as likely as the Jetson's car that folded up into a suitcase.
So there's a very different conception in Germany of what this divorce bill conflict is all about
Relatedly, Amazon's expansion into the delivery sector also raises questions about the Chicago School's limited conception of entry barriers.
Unfortunately, humans seem to forget this fact when we find ourselves turning to nature to guide us through difficult choices, such as arguments about whether life begins at conception, or over the proper structure of the family.
The pastor said of what he has read about Mourdock's remarks, they largely lined up with the church's teachings on the sanctity of life and their belief that life begins at conception.
«I think we're made in the image of God regardless,» he added, «I don't think the circumstances dictate whether God knows us and loves us, regardless of how our conception comes about
The Catholic Church, to take one prominent institution devoted to the defense of human life from conception until natural death, makes no «theological» argument about the nature of the life in the womb.
It is about fundin other more controversial «birth control» products that take the life of unborn children (you have to remember the perspective here that there is an underlying belief that life begins at conception).
Let me start this article about the declaration of the Immaculate Conception with a series of anecdotes.
Male and female exist for the sake of the Incarnation; they are created in their difference and complementarity with a view to bringing about the conception of God made man and in every aspect they ind their meaning and vocation here.
We must ensure that our Catholic schools teach Catholic doctrine, and uphold Catholic values — including the values that might clash with current trends in British society: marriage as the lifelong union of a man and a woman, the need for human life to be cherished from conception to natural death, the truth about our sexual identity as male or female.
Based on my early church experiences, letting my son «make up» his own mind about religion would be misguided, because that conception of freedom fails to recognize how children learn to reason in the first place.
The particular mechanisms employed depend on circumstances of history, geography, and culture, and decisions about them can be made responsibly only by taking account of man's acquisitive propensities, his need for rational order, his longing for freedom, and his sense of justice — in short, by relying on an integral rather than a truncated conception of human nature.
There has been much debate about the Virgin Birth or, as it is properly described, the virginal conception of Jesus.
On the contrary, the very fact that it is possible to produce a secularized version of the New Testament conception of faith proves that there is nothing mysterious or supernatural about the Christian life.
Mormonism has no authoritative doctrine about how this conception occurred, but placing the origin of at least some aspect of Jesus» body in God the Father seems to deny the traditional teaching that Jesus was conceived solely by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The mission conceptions of alcoholism and homelessness are grossly in adequate, overlooking nearly all that the social sciences have to tell about these two phenomena.
Clearly we need to look at this phrase «paschal mystery» rather closely, and see if it is simply a new and concise way of expressing what the Church has always held about the Mass, or if it is indeed expressing a new conception of the Mass, and if so, whether this newconception can be justified.
Employing biblical, theological, and philosophical arguments, John Paul described the Christian conception of man, and spoke about the inviolability of human life, from conception to death.
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