Sentences with phrase «concepts share a sense»

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Gattis was blown away by Wheeler's teachings, which center on the concept of nonduality, or a sense of oneness shared by all creation.
Feelings of community and collaboration make learning meaningful for all, and this sense of shared significance is at the heart of a concept called benefit mindset.
Embrace the concept of doing things «with» one another and creating a sense of inclusion and shared responsibility
Working in concert, these concepts can help librarians and educators make better sense of real - world data concerns and have the confidence and content knowledge to share those skills with the high schoolers they serve.
Introducing the concept of «shared recognition» this paper describes the collective sense of anger and frustration experienced by Indigenous people when traumatic events in the public domain act as reminders of ongoing colonialism.
Cunningham notes that for life sciences companies, co-working and incubator concepts make lots of sense, allowing members to share software and hardware, as well as potential access to capital.
Having said so Broker Resiprocity, IDX or whatever call the Data Sharing concept, is about the only part that makes perfect sense.
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