Sentences with phrase «conceptual errors you made»

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The field of imagination at any rate is broad, ranging from automatic, instinctual, or reflex actions (in which the problem of meaning is virtually, but not entirely, non-existent), to more or less habitual modes of response to «natural signs,» and rising ultimately to sophisticated conceptual activity and various poetic or secondary forms of meaning — making in cultural and social significations.19 In the higher reaches of semiotic activity an increase in imaginative freedom is accompanied by a greater risk of error.
Gore, in my view, is accurate on all the key conceptual issues, and does not make errors typical of many politicians, as, for example, the many politicians who claim a tax cut will more than make up for lost revenue by encouraging growth — now that is a fundamental conceptual error, and Gore does not have any of those.
It seems to me that the issue is not so much that the IPCC AR4 chapter 9 authors have made an error in determination of the sensitivity in Fig 9.20, but rather that there is unacknowledged structural uncertainty in their methods for determining climate sensitivity (both statistical and physical / conceptual).
I make no promises as to absence of typographical or minor conceptual errors * (e.g.,... described by the set of points (T1 / 2, T2 / 2, T2 * T1 / (T2 + T1), T2 * T2 / (T2 - T1)-RRB- which has measure zero in that 4d space, the last should have been T2 * T1 / (T2 - T1)-RRB- but, anyone with the time and expertise to carry these balls I'm tossing up in the air forward could easily score some major points.
The second «rebuttal» argument is that he is making a fundamental conceptual error in regressing or examining differential terms.
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