Sentences with phrase «conceptual experiments»

Artistic Director Sara Reisman, traces how contemporary artists built on conceptual experiments in stillness by Bruce Nauman and Joan Jonas to examine more socially relevant issues.
The show, curated by Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation's Artistic Director Sara Reisman, traces how contemporary artists built on conceptual experiments in stillness by Bruce Nauman and Joan Jonas to examine more socially relevant issues.
by Walter Chaw Billed as being filmed in a single shot (though the skeptical — and those taken in by the «unedited» long takes of Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men — should wonder why an editor is credited), Gustavo Hernández's zero - budget conceptual experiment The Silent House (La casa mudi) has found a way not only to suggest a gimmick successfully carried through, but also to weave that gimmick into a richer thematic tapestry.
A range of styles are on display, including modernist investigations of form (such as Torres - García's Construction in White and Black of 1938), 1960s kinetic art and other conceptual experiments.
Therefore, it is doubly depressing that «Cymbeline» never quite catches fire, either as a film or as a conceptual experiment.
Like all of Günther Förg's works you could describe them as a series of conceptual experiments, which examine whether the doctrines laid down by modernism are still relevant today to prevent them from becoming kitsch or becoming historicized.
Callis's approach to the constructed image provides one access point in a history that spans the work of Paul Outterbridge, the conceptual experiments of Barbara T. Smith and Allen Ruppersberg, and the contemporary photographs of Collier, Luisa Lambri, and Sharon Lockhart.
She approaches her art as a conceptual experiment — throughout her installations and vitrines, by simultaneously exposing and encasing common signifiers, such as advertisements, political symbols, and everyday objects, she creates a window into the collective unconscious of our time.
The notion of the Surrealists, and the exquisite corpse was a conceptual experiment of art making — this same concept is the beginning working premise for this exhibition.
The artist, Dieter Roth (1930 - 98), is best known for his conceptual experiments with decaying foodstuffs; sculptures with chocolate and sausage were the focus of a 2004 retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art and P.S. 1.
Prior to leaving the repressive conditions of Taiwan under martial law, he had already begun to stray from abstract paintings with conceptual experiments, which included producing artworks by making marks on scrolls of fabric.
Through a exploration of «antiform» art, Ferrer expanded his conceptual experiments to include fabricated artifacts and assembled installations that include sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, and installation art.
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