Sentences with phrase «conceptual map»

One reason for the highly abstract conceptual mapping of systems concepts is found in the procedural recommendations of the hypothetical - deductive method, with its emphasis upon the axiomatic approach.
Thinking about the ways memories can appear led Charneco's to combine old - fashioned doll house furniture with high - tech conceptual mapping.
She will review a range of conceptual maps designed to orient the therapist and guide decision - making within an EMDR session.
My favorite part of Politickr is the visual representation of what the campaign blogs are covering — click on the tag clouds link and you'll get a visual / conceptual map of each site's recent topics.
Rather than providing us with a conceptual map of reality, such traditional approaches constitute a flight from meaning.
For the first phase of WAAWAASHKESHIWI - WIIYAAS, Miner will create a conceptual map of the one hundred years between his gichi - aanikoobijigan's arrest and the present day.
Known as the «Driving Photograph» series, the works are conceptual maps of the atmospheric terrain, pinpointing the ephemeral topography of virtually invisible bodies that hover over the landscape.
Los Angeles - based artist and choreographer Sara Wookey will guide participants in creating a conceptual map of the Hammer Museum.
The conceptual maps that participants create will explore the role the body plays as a spatial and sensory tool in navigation, much like the spatial mapping of traces in Rachel Whiteread's drawings.
Instead, I tend to create a lot of conceptual maps and little product drawings.
The exhibition is divided into four thematic sections; Conceptual Mappings, Perpetual Horizons, Landscape Ecologies and Representational Acts and features work by artists who have informed and shaped those themes.
The notion of conceptual mapping, as well as more formal decisions, act as points of connection between the two series of works on view.
By WUWT regular «Just The Facts» With the help of an array of WUWT reader comments on this thread and several others documented within, I've been compiling a summary of all potential climatic variables in order to build a conceptual map of Earth's climate system.
We see this as a tool that can potentially serve both the legal community and the public by providing a conceptual map of core concepts in the civil justice system and helping to establish a common vocabulary to share experiences.
We always tell novice researchers to check a text to get a conceptual map of an area of the law.
It is only intended as a framework, not a controlling schema; a conceptual map that the therapist should use for general reference, rather than as instructions to be used in the course of a rigid «paint by numbers» approach to family assessment.
practice model A conceptual map and articulated organizational ideology of how agency employees, families, and stakeholders partner in an environment that focuses on the safety, permanency, and well - being of children and their families.
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