Sentences with phrase «conceptual pictorial language»

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The story of creation and the story of the fall, for example, like the account of the last things in the Book of Revelation, may properly be called myths, since they are concerned with absolute beginnings and endings or with universally predicable truths, about which no precise conceptual statements can be made and which are best expressed in pictorial language.
«Childhood, sexuality, memory, loss, religion and discrimination are themes that have always preoccupied Gober and for which he has developed his own unique pictorial language, influenced by Surrealism and by Minimal and Conceptual Art, though all read very much against the grain.»
This is an exit out of the picture, but the language of the painting forms a ligament to the edifice, connecting the pictorial, conceptual, and physical spaces through the established language of color and form in the painting.
The «protagonists» brought the Italian art scene to an international public with a pictorial language specific to the early 60s, a new painting using the power of color and the iconography of the monochrome as defining visual and conceptual elements.
The systematic process within Butler's paintings runs parallel to their pictorial beauty, weighing painterly language against conceptual restraint.
Comprised of brusquely rendered abstract and representational pictographs, the expressive, even primitive appearance of A.R. Penck's pictorial language belies the paintings» deeply conceptual underpinnings.
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