Sentences with phrase «conceptual point»

It seems to be one of a number of conceptual points of the paper to which it would seem that there should be a crisp, clear answer.
But the broad conceptual points — that it costs more if we delay cutting emissions, and that higher temperatures typically mean higher costs — tend to hold regardless of exact numbers.)
The show's conceptual point of departure is «I Work Like a Gardener» [Je travaille comme un jardinier], a text by Yvon Taillandier based on his interviews with Joan Miró and first published in the journal XXe siècle in Paris in 1959, in which the artist underscores the simplicity of his approach to art by comparing himself to a farmer.
Both claim to be in a possession of the Truth they can not possess, arguing their subjective, arrogant, conceptual point of view (opinion), based on their extremely limited and bias perception of Reality.
This is the spot in the Arctic Ocean where all the man - made lines of longitude converge on a map as well as the conceptual point on the ice - encrusted waters that countless explorers sought to stab with their national banner — bearing flagpoles, beginning in 1827 with British rear admiral, Sir William Edward Parry.
Much has been said about transforming the teacher: From a conceptual point of view, teachers stop being the ones giving knowledge in a masterful lecture in the classroom, and they become the guides to their students in an active learning process.
Having barely shown us the new Mercedes A-Class Concept and its conceptual point, the Germans brought it to New York to tell us more.
From a conceptual point of view, it makes complete sense; however, it loses the interconnectivity that spawned the feature.
The exhibition Ni Chana Ti - Juana, opening on November 16 at 18th Street Arts Center, takes this platitude as a conceptual point of departure.
And often, that was an erotic fantasy for men, or the beauty that they were drawn to, versus a woman addressing a female nude is looking at it from a totally intellectual, conceptual point of view,» she said.
When Glenn Ligon paints the neon letters «America» black, he has a political and conceptual point.
Its conceptual point of departure is the text Miró: I Work Like a Gardener, written by Yvon Taillandier and first published in Spain in 1983 in the journal Los cuadernos del Norte, in which the Spanish artist underscores the simplicity of his approach to art by comparing himself to a farmer.
MC: I swallow everything I see as a linguistic experience, my references are not people but rather all the concepts every experience gives from a formal and conceptual point of view.
Coming from a conceptual point of view is Bruce Nauman, with his photographs, video works, drawings, neon pieces, prints and performances.
The conceptual point of departure for the exhibition is Robert Rauschenberg's Erased de Kooning, 1953, where the artist erased a drawing by Willem de Kooning, simultaneously unmaking one work and creating another in an act of both destruction and devotion.
in which he explored how gaming - based strategies provide both a visual and conceptual point of entry for the viewer to experience his work.
In Knodel's latest work, gaming - based strategies provide both a visual and conceptual point of entry.
«My paintings take landscape as their subject and as a conceptual point of departure,» Bloodgood said in a statement that accompanied the announcement of his Guggenheim Fellowship in 2009.
Curated by Michaelis lecturer Fabian Saptouw, «Context» draws together artists who use the book - object as a conceptual point of departure for the exploration of the printed text.
«Take It or Leave It,» Ellegood explains, aims to challenge power structures and social - cultural institutions — be it politics, media, racism, sexism or art museums themselves — through artists who borrow and re-contextualize images, text and other elements from pop culture and fine art, among other places, to make a conceptual point.
In Gerhardt Knodel: Let the Games Begin, gaming - based strategies provide both a visual and conceptual point of entry.
The conceptual point of departure of this exhibition is the collaboration between the artist Eduardo Chillida and the philosopher Martin Heidegger that led to the publication of an artist's book titled Art and Space in 1969.
A conceptual point of departure for the central work Take Over are two well - known musical works, affiliated by an entangled political and cultural history, the Marseillaise and the Internationale.
As a painter who was focused on abstraction, systems, and process, I was never particularly concerned with the conceptual point being made by artists like Richard Prince or Sherrie Levine.
If there are common threads between the works being created in his studio, aside from Adams's formal consideration of color and geometric form, it's the art's conceptual point: the black body can do more in contemporary art than signify struggle.
From a conceptual point of view, her work depends more or less on a predetermined structure or intention, as in the early language - based wall drawings of Sol LeWitt.
Hiller's installation Belshazzar's Feast (1983 - 84) and Martin's film Soft Materials (2004) are the conceptual points of departure.
The conceptual point of departure for the exhibition: Robert Rauschenberg's Erased de Kooning (1953).
Taking the pictorial representation of battles as an aesthetic and conceptual point of departure, the scope of the artists» project is defined by the first written accounts of war and the first photographs taken to document it.
As is usual when people try too hard to delegitimise an approach or a paper, the criticisms tend to be a rag - bag of conceptual points, trivialities and, often, confused mis - readings — so it proves in this case.
He has coupled this with a criticism at RealClimate of my appraisal of MEA15, writing about it «As is usual when people try too hard to delegitimise an approach or a paper, the criticisms tend to be a rag - bag of conceptual points, trivialities and, often, confused mis - readings — so it proves in this case».
Objectives: Temporal stability of clinical - psychological questionnaires is problematic from a conceptual point of view, and it is empirically insuffi - ciently examined.
Abstract: Objectives: Temporal stability of clinical - psychological questionnaires is problematic from a conceptual point of view, and it is empirically insuffi - ciently examined.
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