Sentences with phrase «conceptual process»

Gist - based conceptual processing of pictures remains intact in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
Predicated on thorough theoretical research and a deep investigation into archival material, Thomas's conceptual process relies substantially on the collection of both the iconic and the transient in literary and photographic relics of mass culture.
Kelley brings to these projects an ironic sensibility and stringent conceptual processes, tending to layer the accepted high - art practices like painting with craft, working class and popular culture references.
Hylden's paintings are based on rigorous conceptual processes — the artist investigates the philosophical concepts and relationships between cause and effect, emptiness and meaning.
Using a variety of techniques, such as thick and thin painting, removing portions of canvas from his work, and multi-media assemblage, Aldrich has developed an artistic style that turns away from the canonical understanding of art historically, in favor of exploring new conceptual processes through which to view the contemporary world as he sees it.
During the selection process, the artist remarked that «the paintings are now awake from having been asleep» — a metaphor for the artist's physical and conceptual process whereby paintings do not start or end, and are never «finished» due to the physical act of folding and unfolding.
Significantly, the heroic gesture which those artists would have made with a large brush and broad strokes is here instead the product of innumerable tiny strokes and a layered conceptual process.
Isabel Pavão's «Impressions Series» represents a phase of her work that she has been working on since 2014 and integrates as usual, intimations of past work, enduring patterns of inner experience and conceptual processes as a continuous work in progress being a reflection on the «act of painting».
Together, these artists represent the myriad ways conceptual processes based on the act of mark - making and materials can address the body, memory, space, and the charged meaning of their chosen media.
06 Nov 2006 International Group Exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern Art An exhibition by 20 leading international artists based on the physical and conceptual processes involved in making and exhibiting art opens to the public at the Irish Museum of Modern Art on Thursday 30 November 2006.
Not only does this make your advertising more effective; it also makes the conceptual process easier.
More precisely, from the standpoint of conceptual processes, the continuum is a transition from a category (whole) to an instance (part) where the latter is the basis of another transition.
Conceptual processes can class facts, define them, interpret them; but they do not produce them, nor can they reproduce their individuality.
Non-spatially oriented brains have more grey matter in the left angular gyrus, an area associated with semantic and conceptual processing.
The conceptual process kicked off in 2008 when the city of Cape Town mandated Cape Town Tourism to lead a brand positioning process for the destination, taking into consideration all of the aspects that make the city unique.
I put a few questions to studio co-founder Henrik Johansson about the award win and their conceptual process.
His conceptual process involves stripping systems down to their essence to better understand the underlying structures and rules that govern how they work.
Several of the works have been conceived as pairs where one acts as a distorted mirror of the other, giving physical form the conceptual processes of transformation that run through Ziegler's practice.
The ideas, resonances, or conceptual processes are not medium - specific.
Each artist's practice negotiates the nature of physical surface and conceptual process, connecting the surface appearance of the work with its meaning.
The selection of drawings in this exhibition illustrates the timelessness of documenting the conceptual process, from the looser, unconstrained studies to the more fully realized.
Through his rigorous and conceptual process, Miller asks the viewer to reconsider their role in public space, be it physical or virtual.
Featuring projects that are rigorous and poetic in their conceptual processes, the exhibition provides a needed density when one discusses the role of art in relation to ecology.
The classic genres of photography — nude, portrait, landscape, architecture, or industry — are mirrored in the works, but are often citations or stages of conceptual processes.
Calame considers her conceptual process of piecing together an image from a set of data similar to science and history's ambitious attempts to re-imagine the past, ever bound by subjectivity.
We often have artist talks and demonstrations where people can meet the artists and learn about their technical and conceptual processes.
The selection of drawings illustrates the timelessness of documenting the conceptual process, from the looser, unconstrained studies to the more fully realized.
When discussing his conceptual process, Bavington stated «I generally read sheet music and start with that as a sketch.
The artists in New Photography 2013 explore dialectical reversals between abstraction and representation, documentary and conceptual processes, the uniquely handmade and the mechanically reproducible, and analog and digital techniques, underscoring the idea that there has never been just one type of photography.
Such boldness is often tempered by exacting line work and an attention to surface and texture that reveals deeper convictions about the conceptual processes of painting.
Lerma approaches the portraits themselves in a conceptual process similar to this interconnection by painting each portrait on reflective glass-less mirror, with each member of the family initially representing a different color wheel, and building the paintings» compositions and palettes based on each other's reflections when the portraits are placed within the same environment.
Throughout the afternoon, three exhibitors in the Book Fair will share current work and reflect on the conceptual process and physical project of making and designing books.
«I work with a serial / conceptual process in order to base the painting on something that I can return to repeatedly and keep it going.»
Whether as preparatory studies or as works in their own right, these monochromatic works on paper offer an intimate sense of the artist's creative and conceptual process that mines the collective subconscious of American culture through a mix of the familiar and the absurd.
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