Sentences with phrase «concern about conflicts of interest»

Most concerns about conflicts of interest can be resolved and appropriately addressed through prompt and complete disclosure.
Watchdog groups raised concerns about conflicts of interest after Zinke spoke at an American Petroleum Institute board meeting at the Trump hotel on March 23, 2017.
On second thought, Duncan's team might want to dial an old Bush hand who watched that aministration's «Reading First» program implode in the face of concerns about conflicts of interest, problematic review processes, and suspicions of political influence.
We asked it on 4 April to reconsider hosting the event and to comment on concerns about the conflicts of interest of having Danone as a sponsor.
Baby Milk Action has been raising concerns about conflicts of interest for many years and promoting a «Say No to Formula Company sponsorship» in the UK ever since Nestle bought the Wyeth SMA brand and introduced the sorts of aggressive practices we are used to in other countries.
«It certainly raises in the minds of the public concerns about conflicts of interest
Given that the Thruway Authority stands to make a substantial amount of money through potentially leasing land to Pilgrim for the pipelines, we have significant concerns about this conflict of interest
Levy also testified that Silver was concerned about conflicts of interest between his investment activity and his Assembly post.
Still, Friedman is less concerned about a conflict of interest, noting that von Eschenbach could delegate NCI - related decisions to others at FDA.
And while conversations about agent - publishing in the USA were somewhat curtailed at that time amid concerns about conflict of interest, Ed Victor's effort in London, like Scott Waxman's in New York, moved ahead.
Nestlé has cancelled an SMA Study Day in Darlington scheduled for 4 September after health workers raised concerns about conflicts of interest.
A somewhat unexpected re-appointment (rumours were that he would step down), Lord Nash will continue to work in the face of concerns about conflicts of interest, fuelled by his involvement with Futures Academies, which he founded in 2005, and Pimlico Academy, where he is the joint chair of governors.
Péladeau has been urged in many quarters to sell his shares in the Quebecor media empire to erase any concerns about conflict of interest.
The Education and Adoption Bill is currently going through Parliament and has reached the report stage in the House of Commons and concerns about the conflict of interest have already been raised.
In recent months, some literary agencies — The Waxman Agency and Ed Victor Ltd., for instance — have launched their own publishing arms to sell their clients» e-books, raising concerns about conflicts of interest.
«This arrangement raises concerns about conflicts of interest to which Sonangol has not responded.»
Once it had found that that was the case — as it did — that was the end of the matter: specifically, the fact that its reason for not being prepared to appoint a person with the employee's ethnic origins was its concern about conflict of interest was irrelevant.
The advice must also be provided in a manner sensitive to concerns about conflict of interest.
Lessin moonlights as a partner for Slow Ventures, which participated in Magic's $ 12 million 2015 Series A, which raises some concerns about conflicts of interest he wouldn't comment on.
Some Banking Committee Democrats, including Ranking Member Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, used the hearing to again raise concerns about conflicts of interest that Trump — a real estate billionaire — could face as president.
But its financial ties to President Trump are raising concerns about conflicts of interest.
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