Sentences with phrase «concern about one's child»

Along with concerns about the children, we work with our clients to try and come to an agreement regarding property, assets, and other factors that may be involved in a separation.
No one seemed concerned about the children in modern divorce, except to argue over parenting responsibilities such as child - support and visitation rights.
Often this anxiety is picked up from parents concerned about the child's progress.
When concerned about a child who may have depression, take prompt action to seek help.
Almost 90 percent of principals and 75 percent of teachers surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the policy had made parents more concerned about their child's progress.
Other studies have examined the higher levels of parental concern about child weight and the use of more restrictive feeding practices among parents of girls [59, 61].
It is not helpful to use the school bullying policy as grounds to dismiss parental concerns about their child.
If your guests have concerns about your children getting into their things, offer them a room that has a door that can be closed during the day.
You shouldn't hesitate in contacting your child's caregiver if you feel concerned about your baby's overall health or if you have specific concerns about your child's current condition.
When I tell people my children were born in a birthing tub, they usually express concern about the child taking its first breath under water.
Remember, if you have any specific questions or concerns about your child custody plan, it's best to consult with an attorney who can assess your situation.
I appreciate the width of legs as I'm not concerned about my child tipping the high chair over.
Race significantly affected how parents reported concerns about their children's social deficits and restricted and repetitive behaviors.
«There is a need to ensure that, where there is genuine cause for concern about a child, local authorities are clear about the powers open to them,» he said.
Address concerns about your child's academic career right away, because waiting and letting them struggle might have a long - term impact on their self - esteem.
At the same time as courts are paying more attention to alienation issues, concerns about child abuse and the need for protective court orders have grown as well.
Parents are very concerned about their children's futures and often feel abandoned by the system.
If you have a serious concern about your child or the class, speak to the teacher first.
The parents behind the campaign have voiced concerns about children becoming upset about going to school, adding the tests could risk their mental health.
An evaluation by a healthcare professional is needed if there are other concerns about the child's hearing, behavior, or emotions.
The right time to seek an assessment is any time that you have significant concerns about your child's development or behavior.
As parents, you must be most concerned about your child's overall development.
Maternal intuitive eating as a moderator of the association between concern about child weight and restrictive child feeding.
You know your child best, and if you are at any time concerned about your child, a good place to start is sharing information with your child's educator or teacher.
People over 50 with more money, more experience, and fewer concerns about their children's futures are starting businesses at rates higher than almost any other demographic.
In your case, even though this is obviously difficult for you, I would be especially concerned about your children.
No, they are more concerned about their child living up to their adult standards, norm abiding ideas, consensus values and expectations.
In the survey, 87 % of parents reported being concerned about children making in - app purchases.
So even if you are only concerned about your child's language skills, we are still required to complete a full developmental evaluation.
With technology, parents don't have to leave home or work to go meet the teacher about concerns about their child or to ask questions about the class or school.
His most recent efforts have focused on addressing the school at the prison pipeline and implementation concerns about the no child left behind act.
Having coordinated, consistent policies and procedures to follow when someone identifies concerns about a child, benefits the whole school community — and especially the child.
It is hard being a Mother concerned about your child and the social relationships in school.
Parents on social media have often posted concerns about their child's congestion.
The research also shows how Italian parents are today concerned about their children's safety on the internet.
And with current concerns about child obesity, grandparents should be extra vigilant about what they feed the grandchildren.
If you have any questions about your child's nutrition, including concerns about your child eating too much or too little, talk with your child's doctor.
If you're still concerned about your child's eating habits, talk to your child's doctor about possible vitamin supplements.
Being a registered nurse for many years I have seen different mums come in with different concerns about children.
If the government is concerned about children smoking, as it should be, they should focus on education and enforcement of existing laws.
We began as a group of leaders in fields such as education, health, government, industry, and volunteer organizations concerned about children's health and the growing obesity epidemic.
When talking with parents, offer specific positives and exact concerns about their child's abilities.
It will be important not only to teachers, administrators, curriculum designers, and teacher educators, but also to parents and the larger community concerned about children's education.
If there is a pre-existing concern about a child's promotion, the teacher creates a portfolio with samples of the student's work, which is reviewed by the principal.
Most parents have profound concerns about their children reading digital books on tablets.
If you have questions or concerns about child support, we can help.
Our clients come to us with some often terrifying concerns about child access.
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