Sentences with phrase «concern about the issue»

All of the panelists expressed concern about issues of isolation and being the only one to speak up out about gender or racial issues.
The company was very concerned about our issues and was willing to do whatever it takes to make it right.
In the family law and estate law areas, they are often concerned about issues with profound personal consequences.
I'm more concerned about issues like schools and housing.
In all developed societies, there have been growing concerns about issues relating to the health and psychosocial well - being of children and young people.
Every single student at some point in his life becomes concerned about this issue: why does writing an essay have to be so frustrating?
I'm deeply concerned about the issue and I want to use what platform I have to bring attention to the issue.
If you are smart, you should be very much concerned about this issue - time limit for keeping your baby in the toddler baby walker.
They're less concerned about issues like having enough money for retirement or unexpected medical expenses.
She says the recession means people are really concerned about issues this election and are thinking seriously about which party will sort out the economics mess.
Four times as many — 59 per cent — are more concerned about terrorism, while 25 per cent are concerned about both issues equally.
Current education policy does not seem concerned about the issue of stability and retention, especially at our low performing schools.
There is also limited concern about issues of aging at the local church level.
The next five industries fall within a percentage point of each other, and Construction comes out the best, with businesses in that field reporting the least concern about this issue.
I'm not too concerned about this issue since I don't have huge sums of cash sitting around in bank accounts (it's mostly under my mattress).
A major challenge facing scientists and organizations that view global warming as a major threat to humanity is that average citizens express so little concern about the issue.
A new study finds climate change skeptics are more likely to behave in eco-friendly ways than those who are highly concerned about the issue.
I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice - just some thoughts on how someone concerned about these issues might try to avoid them when drafting agreements for their own affairs.
For women overly concerned about this issue, there is a very simple solution.
Although the island has stunning beaches, great dining opportunities, a friendly population and affordable accommodations, many potential residents are concerned about the issue of health services and medical care.
If you are very concerned about this issue, you may email me and let me know what the problem is.
MPs on the Commons» environment committee raised concerns about the issue in their 2012/13 annual report on the department's progress.
Herman Van Ommen, the president of the law society, voiced concern about the issue in a letter to the federal government, after reports that Canada Border Service Agents had been asking for travellers» passwords to digital devices.
It's recently been criticized by former staff members who voiced concerns about issues ranging from safety to special education.
Similarly, Democrats are much more likely than are Republicans to express concern about the issue of climate change and to see at least some effects of global warming in their local community or in their own lives.
Runcie said people concerned about the issue need to take those concerns to the ballot box.
Amid many concerns about issues for rural and remote Australia, one advocate called on Labor to make sure all policies are «rural proofed», saying that there were often unintended consequences to good policies when they did not test for quality and equity in more remote communities.
Overall, only 36 percent of Americans describe themselves as personally concerned about the issue of climate change, and more likely to believe that humans are playing some role in a warming Earth.
For this particular analysis, mean doesn't matter much — I think it would be important to create a weighted average that reflects how many properties are in each tier, and I'm not so concerned about this issue that I'm willing to invest the effort right now.
Thus, as he revealed in the haunting polemic with which he began his notorious public career (Prescription: Medicide [1991]-RRB-, Jack Kevorkian was not particularly concerned about the issue of legalized assisted suicide.
Teacher Kimberly Crawford said she was most concerned about issues such as class size and the lack of air conditioning.
A Government Accountability Office has agreed to review how classified information is kept secure at Trump's Mar - a-Lago resort in Florida, the agency said, after Democratic lawmakers raised concerns about the issue last month.
The move has been welcomed by AQA chief executive Andrew Hall who said he had raised concerns about the issue on a number of occasions.
At a time of heightened public concern about issues concerning child protection, it is more important than ever, and clearly in the public interest, that those solicitors and barristers with expertise in representing the interests of vulnerable families and children are not driven away from undertaking this work.
McDonald, who founded a group called the African - American Ministers Leadership Council, says he opposes same - sex marriage, but that he is more concerned about issues such as health care, education and jobs.
NAR will continue to communicate Realtor ® and consumer concerns about this issue to the CFPB so that the mortgage closing process continues to move forward quickly and efficiently.
«We are concerned about the issues surrounding Facebook and have decided to suspend all media on the platform until the facts are out and corrective actions have been taken,» Pep Boys chief marketing officer Danielle Porto Mohn told Reuters.
That she leaves out the church is perhaps both an authorial oversight and an indication that churches have not shown enough concern about this issue — or, at least, have done too little to make their concern known.
However, in move that will no doubt disappoint scientists and consumer advocates concerned about the issue, the FDA advisory committee voted 8 to 6 yesterday that there's no need for foods containing artificial dyes to carry a warning label, let alone be banned.
Despite WWF's praise for the efforts of The Netherlands, Ghana and the Economic Community of West African States its director general James Leape remains concerned about the issue.
«Everyone should be concerned about this issue because antibiotic resistance anywhere is antibiotic resistance everywhere,» says Dr. Lauri Hicks, director for CDC's Office of Antibiotic Stewardship.
«I'm really not that concerned about that issue right now,» Faso said.
Factional National Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party, Sen. Ali Modu Sheriff, has said the national leadership of the party was concerned about issues arising from the election.
«Members had various concerns about the issue,» said Michael Whyland, a spokesman for Mr. Heastie.
Each time I feel concerned about issues between the Senate and the Executive and I didn't know how to reach Mr President, I send him.»
A July 15 Siena Poll, taken before the convictions of Libous and Sampson, found that corruption is still on the minds of voters and that legislators should probably be concerned about the issue if they want to keep their jobs.
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