Sentences with phrase «concern about your calcium»

If there is concern about your calcium intake, calcium can be obtained without taking dairy products.
Hi Dr. Ede, if I eat mostly meat and avoid dark leafy green vegetables, should I be concerned about calcium deficiency?
If you or your patients are concerned about calcium supplements, contact PERQUE Integrative Health today and learn more about why PERQUE products are better, safer, and one step ahead all of the rest.
Women who are avoiding dairy are often concerned about their calcium intake.
Should I be concerned about calcium deficiency, if I remove dairy products?
While Acana's formulation is pretty impressive, I am a bit concerned about the calcium content.

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Levine speculated that country Australians were more partial to cheese than city dwellers as they had more traditional tastes in food, were less likely to be concerned about their cholesterol and opted for more calcium in their diets.
Concerned about getting enough calcium and nutrients on a vegan diet?
As a Registered Nutrition Practitioner, my new clients are often concerned about obtaining sufficient levels of calcium — on a plant - based diet.
But, with all the concern and talk about childhood obesity counteracted by the need for calcium and vitamin D, what exactly is a good amount for your toddler?
Yet I have my own concerns about sugar, so I limit the milk to an occasional treat, but then worry about his calcium intake since he also avoids leafy greens and canned fish.
Sandi was also concerned about her risk for osteoporosis, so I used a nutrient formula that contains calcium, vitamin D, and other bone - support nutrients.
But along with concerns about dangerously high calcium levels, high - dose vitamin D supplementation has also been associated with increased risks of fractures, falls and kidney stones.
If you're concerned that diet won't be enough, speak to your doctor about whether or not you need calcium or vitamin D supplements.
In fact, because calcium and magnesium compete with each other for absorption, we are concerned about magnesium deficiency as a potential consequence of widespread medical treatments focusing on calcium and vitamin D supplementation.
While much ado is made about what form of supplemental calcium is the best — liquid versus solid, for example — or the ecologically destructive coral calcium versus calcium carbonate (which is basically chalk), the reality is that when you talk about supplementation, the various forms matter little because they are all, at least as far as the body is concerned, unnatural.
Most people who are concerned about getting adequate calcium intake are really concerned about bone health.
Again, something to be careful with if you have anemia but if you're concerned about hemochromatosis, you may wan na consider a little bit extra black tea, a little bit extra coffee, milk thistle, hyssop root, dandelion root, being careful with or using calcium supplements, eating calcium - rich foods, looking into bloodletting potentially up to few times a month.
So using a calcium supplement or eating lots of calcium - rich foods, again, is something that you'd wan na consider if you have hemochromatosis but you've got ta actually be careful with excessive calcium supplementation if you're concerned about anemia or low iron levels.
If you're concerned about voltage gated calcium channels (vgcc), move away from the EMFs (turn off the wifi already, especially at night) and continue to mind your magnesium.
Probably the number one thing you have to be concerned about with puppies is the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in their food.
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