Sentences with phrase «concern for parents»

The most reasonable cause of concern for parents of a newborn with a birth injury is if they were told that their child suffered a loss of oxygen.
Screen time is a big concern for parents of teens or younger kids with smartphones, tablets, or gaming systems.
Fast - changing technology and the ways to manage its impact are of great concern for parents.
The height of a stroller is also a major concern for the parents who are taller than average height.
We'd like to address a common concern for parents and their children: separation anxiety.
The resulting aggression is the film's really only major concern for parents considering bringing younger viewers.
Unfortunately, there are concerns for parents in this film.
As another school year comes to a close, education and education funding remain among the top concerns for parents, teachers and public officials.
Whether Chinese - processed chicken presents a serious concern for parents is open for debate.
This is a huge concern for parents, because a large number of babies develop allergies at a young age.
The safety of the daycare center should be a key concern for any parent.
Product safety is the top priority for baby food and formula manufacturers as well as the main concern for parents.
This would be a potential concern for parents who frequently travel with their children, as setting up the stroller could cause some frustration.
One of the biggest concerns for parents searching for baby names is selecting a name that is too common.
The biggest concern for a parent on board should be the passengers.
Questions about the rules for flying with baby food and milk are among the biggest concerns for parents traveling with young children.
These themes, along with some strong language, kisses exchanged between eleven year - olds, and the portrayal of extra sensory perception, may present concerns for parents.
While these dogs are generally quite healthy, they can end up with some of the health problems that are concerns for the parent breeds.
Children with autistic disorders experience a complex range of social, emotional and behavioral difficulties that present significant and ongoing concerns for parents [11].
When your child is on holiday it can cause many concerns for parents, particularly when the support structures of school are not immediately available.
One of the most frightening concerns for parents of teens involve sexual activity.
We'd like to share our thoughts on a common concern for parents: how to keep kids motivated to keep up with school practices over the summer.
Sexual content in this film will likely be the greatest concern for parents.
Usually throwing up is not a cause of concern for parents.
BUT, I know sleeping through the night is often a HUGE concern for parents.
When it comes to planning a nursery for a new addition to the family, baby safety is a major concern for all parents, grandparents, and caregivers.
Excellent info, the hormones are perhaps one of the biggest concerns for parents of school aged kids.
Other concerns for parents include Hiller's girlfriend, who is a stripper (a sample of her work is the only sexual content in the film), and the cigar the main character uses as a «reward.»
Homework has long inspired strong feelings — and creative excuses — in children, but it has more recently become an area of growing concern for parents in a scholastic system increasingly focused on high - pressure, high - stakes standardized testing.
Health problems are a primary concern for parents considering adoption.
Weaning baby from bottle at night has been an area of concern for parents for a long time, and if your baby is struggling a lot with this step, don't worry.
The news raised concerns for parents of young children, as those users born after the year 2000 make up 23.31 % of the playerbase.
Portrayals of post-hippie era sex and pot parties, along with frequent profanities and two sexual expletives, are certainly surface concerns for parents considering whether this biopic is appropriate for teen viewing.
A common concern for parents with children in immersion school is whether their child is at the same level of proficiency in English reading and writing as students in non-immersion schools.
But NEB's requirement that the parent company keep a half - billion in cash on hand may signal the potential for Kinder Morgan, Inc. to remain on the hook for full cleanup costs — raising serious concerns for the parent firm's finances in the event of a catastrophic spill.
Food allergies are a growing concern for parents as they send their children off to school.
MRSA is highly contagious and easily spread through direct physical contact with an infected person, making it a growing concern for parents whose children play sports.
A very common concern for parents right now is cyberbullying.
A man's concern for his parents led to the launch of 2Seniors.
One minor profanity, a few tense moments, a flatulent dog who eats too much cheese, and some cartoon - like violence, are the only concerns for parents.
With very few concerns for parents, other than the onslaught of animated martial arts violence, the film offers a feel - good tale about building faith in oneself and believing in the talents of others.
A dozen or more prominent education researchers have gone beyond test scores to evaluate the effects of schools and school - choice programs on such student outcomes as high school graduation rates, postsecondary schooling, tolerance, satisfaction, and criminal behavior, all significant concerns for both parents and policymakers.
Putting it frankly, TV is one of the lesser concerns for parents, as the advent of the internet has created not just great opportunity for learning, but a world of potential risk for parents, most of whom have not grown up in this digital era.
Keeping children productively occupied during the summer emerged as a more vexing concern for parents than...
However, they did note a principle concern for parents was that «there is a lack of objective standards [in student reports] that parents can use to determine their children's attainment and rate of progress», suggesting a desire for more than grades, scores and marks to be able to monitor their child's growth in learning over time.
It has since been reported that children as young as 12 would be taught about the objectification of women in the media by displaying «raunchy music videos» and «explicit advertising», creating concerns for parents regarding the trend towards the hypersexualisation of children.
The Lens Orleans Parish School Board to study long bus rides, early pickups Transportation has been a constant concern for parents who send their kids to charter schools across town.
With most youth receiving their first smartphone by the age of 11 and teenagers spending, on average, 10 hours a day in front of a screen — smartphone, desktop, tablet or gaming device cyber safety has risen to become a primary health concern for parents.

Phrases with «concern for parents»

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