Sentences with phrase «concerned about audio»

If you're concerned about audio quality, remember the JBL SoundBoost 2 Moto Mod is available for $ 79.99.
I price isn't a thing and you're mostly concerned about audio quality, consider the Google Home Max speaker (note: it's only available in the US).
Well, if price isn't a thing and you're mostly concerned about audio quality, consider the Google Home Max speaker (note: it's only available in the US).
The Apple HomePod is finally available, but we don't recommend it unless you're an Apple Music user who's only concerned about audio quality.
If you're more concerned about audio quality, get a bigger and more expensive speaker instead — the beauty of setting up your own smart speaker is that you've got the choice.

Not exact matches

Here I provide the audios about a variety of subjects concerning Brazil Portuguese that will help you in the process of acquiring and developing new vocabulary.
Some people have expressed concerns about how firewalls slow down Internet access and make it difficult to use some Internet technology such as videoconferencing and audio transmission.
The other Kindles have ability of providing all those books in audio for those with print disabilities and I assume the Kindle Fire also has that capability so it appears Amazon is concerned about those readers you talk about.
It's not just audio and video recording we need to be concerned about.
If you're concerned about the idiotic chatter that plagues many multiplayer shooter games, you needn't worry about it since in Destiny players have to give their consent to open up an audio chat channel between them.
As far as audio and visuals are concerned, the former is very old school sounding and is just about annoying enough to need muting after a short while.
«As you have undoubtedly noticed, Google Glass has been the subject of many articles that have raised concerns about the obvious, and perhaps less obvious, privacy implications of a device that can be worn by an individual and used to film and record audio of other people,» the authorities wrote.
Downton admits that over the last decade, hi - res music has been hamstrung by a «chicken and egg situation» where you need a decent install base of HD - capable audio devices in order to deliver services; but where investment in those devices has been stymied by concerns about whether there'd be enough content available for them.
That said, the law still covers covert police spying tools like cell - site simulators, and Shotspotter audio listening devices that cities across America are already abandoning due to concerns about their effectiveness.
Editor's Note (11/3/17): Amazon is rolling out an update to the Echo to address concerns we and others had about the audio quality.
Amazon is rolling out an update to the Echo to address concerns we and others had about the audio quality.
Anyone looking for a completely wireless headphone is likely to be more concerned about the wireless functionality than the audio quality, but good sound is always a perk.
Synthetic leather tends to contain audio better than fabric - based cushioning if you're concerned about annoying other people in the room with leaky cans.
Here I provide the audios about a variety of subjects concerning Brazil Portuguese that will help you in the process of acquiring and developing new vocabulary.
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