Sentences with phrase «concerned about my makeup»

Concern about the makeup of boards was heightened by the financial crisis, which exposed a lack of scrutiny by overwhelmingly male non-executives from similar backgrounds to the managers they were meant to oversee.
FLANNERY: Same here, and I share your concerns about the makeup of the roster.
As we all know, summer is finally here and like any other girl, even I'm concerned about my makeup.

Not exact matches

While self - tanners provide an alternative to the harmful effects of the sun, if you're concerned about any chemical exposure whatsoever, some pro tips makeup application may be enough to get you through these 10 months and those first weary months of motherhood.
And now she gets all outraged when we camp outside her house waiting for her to emerge for a pint of milk without makeup so we can flog it to some copy - short hack who will write a story about how she's either a «fresh faced beauty» or «causing concern with her bedraggled appearance» depending on how he's feeling.»
For those who are concerned about the PG - 13 nature of the movie castrating the zombies, I say let those hang - ups go; there are plenty of zombie makeup effects to satiate your lust for decrepit corpses, and the absence of buckets of blood almost makes it refreshing in a sense.
From the start, the makeup of the seven - person panel established by the College Board and Disability Rights Associates to review the Board's policy on flagging should have sent a warning signal to anyone who is concerned about valid testing standards.
He did not discount the CREDO methodology overall, but he raised familiar concerns about comparing students where everything from poverty levels, special education needs, to even the gender makeup of their schools varied.
If you have any concerns about whether the school will respect your right to opt out, make it clear that you are refusing the makeup tests as well.
When we adopted our dog Sally we were so curious about her family history, breed makeup and any potential health concerns.
One of the most important decisions that management and boards of directors make about the public companies they run concerns the makeup of the capital structure, which is the category into which share structure falls.
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