Sentences with phrase «concerned by the implications»

James Abbott, Managing Director at accountants Abbott Moore and President of the UK200Group, said: «With such a polarising result, I am concerned by the implications of having such a significant part of the USA that adamantly disagrees with the outcome of this election.

Not exact matches

As a former G - 7 Deputy, and Canada's Executive Director at the IMF and the European Bank For Reconstruction and Development, I have become increasingly concerned by the approach Canada has been taking with respect to the EURO crisis and the implications it might have for Canada's future role in the G - 20 and the IMF.
A notice slated to be published Friday in the Federal Register by the Bureau of Land Management said the agency «has concerns regarding the statutory authority, cost, complexity, feasibility, and other implications» of the 2016 rule, which is set to go fully into effect next month.
Voting, especially this year, carries moral implications, and Christians can't reduce the process to a form of relativism, either by shrugging away real concerns or ignoring the whole thing.
By extension every good deed, every struggle for justice and deliverance from oppression, every effort to care for and show concern about those who are in need, will be not merely a reflection of the divine mercy and righteousness but also an instrument for the bringing about of just such shalom or «abundance of life» for God's human children, So one might go on, almost without ceasing, to show that response in faith to the action of God in this vivid moment has its implications and applications for the whole range of human life and experience.
The heat generated by this topic is witness to the fact that we are, in Pinnock's words, «close to the heart of the conception of religious authority in our evangelical confession, which «limits the ground of religious authority to the Bible.3» There is a «deep relationship between origin and authority» that can not be ignored.4 Thus discussion concerning the implications of inspiration is of interest to all evangelicals who seek to be Biblical Christians.
How else does it happen that the problem of the One and the Many, or any philosophical analysis of the meaning of God, is plagued, or at least challenged by a concern with its implications for a personal deity?
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
I wonder if I might contribute a few remarks concerning the article given by Fr Selman on the metaphysical and theological implications of modern science.
Such a concern is echoed by those who point out that the inadequacies of several classical formulations of the significance of the person and work of Christ did not take into account the social setting and the political implications of the ministry of Jesus.
The second implication of the labor of thought proposed by Heidegger concerns language and consequently our effort to think the expression «word of God.»
In addition, I am deeply concerned about the issues raised by monotheistic theology in general and Christian theology in particular, and I will, therefore, indicate a few of the theological implications of my revisionist form of process philosophy.
They come from persons influenced by ecological concerns, from feminists, from those influenced by Eastern forms of thought, by those interested in parapsychology, and by those who reflect on the implications of recent developments in physics.
By the same token, our working description's stress on the self - critical moment in Christian congregations» practice of worship has implications concerning the subject matter of theological schooling.
The momentous implications of Brexit, both for the UK and for the EU, were for the most part sidelined by a campaign dominated by domestic concerns and May's public relations implosion.
He said that deeply concerned by this situation, INEC considered the court order and its implication for the Commission's ability to carry out its constitutional function regarding the petition to recall the Senator.
A $ 4 billion deal to invest in a building owned by the family of Jared Kushner, Trump's son - in - law, has fallen apart days after Democrats expressed concerns about its ethical implications.
«Our main concern here about these fiscal projections relates to their implications for monetary policy and, in particular, whether the fiscal stance - which is even looser than was first forecast by the Treasury - contributed to increases in interest rates,» the committee's report The Current State of Monetary Policy states.
But by now she has picked up the implication of my questions: Do her social concerns taint her research results; is she biased?
Besides being concerned about whether or not he would recover, I was struck by the profound metaphysical implications of what had just happened.
Lengthy and expensive reviews that are «methodologically robust» but unusable in practice often fail to inform, inspire, or influence.55 A recent systematic review of diabetes risk scores revealed that the authors of most studies were primarily concerned with the intellectual concept of improving the predictive value of the score but had given little or no thought to how their score might be used, by whom, or for what — nor what the implications would be for real people who would be designated «at risk» by the score.56
In response to this situation, the Institute of Acoustics (IoA) has written a letter to Andrew Stunell, the minister responsible for the building regulations, expressing the concern held by our profession on the effects of the proposed changes, together with the implications for future generations of school children and students, and teacher's health.
The implications are profound for schools and districts concerned with engaging students, maintaining relevance, and preparing children to solve problems unanticipated by the curriculum.
Topics include: interview questions for your client, expectations, determining current energy usage, what to look for with past utility usage, types of HVAC systems, implications of back - drafting, combustion air concerns, understanding insulation and vapor barriers, lighting considerations, locating air leaks, terminology used by energy audit professionals, Department of Energy and related agency guidelines used nationwide, depressurization considerations, understanding heating degree days & making adjustments, types of insulation, voltage drop considerations, using infrared technology, and much more.
The state is concerned over the implications the case has on lands held by other tribes in Washington.
Here are excerpts from his announcement to an AKC Legislative Liaisons List: «Small hobby and show breeders have all been concerned about the implications of the revision to the «Retail Pet Store Rule» by APHIS and the implication for that group.
A recent, slight decrease in the popularity of breeds more affected by inherited disorders may indicate that the public is increasingly concerned with the ethical and / or financial implications of this burden (the average cost of owning a medium - sized dog is estimated at USD 8,000, which can increase considerably in the case of illness [20]-RRB-.
While Polke and Richter moved on from their early concerns with mass media and the political implications of consumer culture, Brehmer remained fascinated by the relationship between information, printed matter and socio - political functions.
In this show the serenely sphinx - like faces are a template through which the artist can systematically explore the concerns of painting and drawing, not ignoring the sentimental implications of rendering a human likeness, but by their blankness and repetition allowing the viewer to move on to other aspects of the work besides «who is this» or «what can I learn about this person.»
Curated by Dean Daderko, the museum website describes the exhibition as a stage for the artist's ongoing research concerning Mars» future and, more broadly, for the consideration of its «colonial implications of settling the planet, how scientific and mythical beliefs can co-exist, and imagination as a source of power.»
A more serious question concerns the longevity of his works and thus his reputation as an artist, and - by implication - the meaning of art in the 21st century.
The Floating Eternity Project takes its point of departure from a 2012 architectural proposal by BREAD Studio to create an offshore columbarium to alleviate the pressing concerns over Hong Kong's critical land scarcity and greying population as well as the implications of these issues on the city's economy of the afterlife.
So, as far as he is concerned, Gore's film is indoctrination, not science, and presumably, by implication, those of us agreeing with the tone or drift of AIT are also no better than other indoctrinators, such as religious or political fanatics.
The interview is well worth reading in full, but apparently no one in the UK Government, the EU or the UNFCCC / IPCC appears to have a clear idea of the full costs and implications of their policies — or have spelt it out to those who will have to pay for it, although we do have access to a few studies concerning the cost of carbon reduction, the most famous being that by the UK's Lord Stern, who was responding to a brief from the UK's treasury.
It could have led to a different approach to evolving the discourse between scientists and users of information — a freer relationship and one less constrained than is the current process by political gatekeepers concerned with controlling the flow of communications about climate change and its implications for the United States.
Now Jeff is not a lawyer, he's an aeronautical engineer by trade, but he was concerned about the legal implications of posting personal emails.
I side with Mark Steyn regarding concern for the rather frightening implications of this case for free speech, and the attempted intimidation reflected by this and Mann's other lawsuits.
A new study by Berkeley Lab researchers provides valuable new insight into aqueous carbonic acid with important implications for both geological and biological concerns.
The implication would seem to be that information - based science advocacy has had only a minor effect on public concern, while political mobilization by elites and advocacy groups is critical in influencing climate change concern.
In the experiment I describe, the beliefs I measure are about purely descriptive matters... The students are shown exact statements concerning the outcomes of the experiment, as predicted by competitive equilibrium, things like «the number of contracts will be predicted exactly [by the theory]» or «the combined earnings of the traders will be predicted exactly [by the theory] or «the average contract prices will fall within a 30 - cent range [predicted by the theory]... there is no implication here of safety or danger.
The report «Oversensitive — how the IPCC hid the good news on global warming,» was released today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)-- a U.K. think - tank which is «concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies currently being advocated» regarding climate change (disclosure: our Dick Lindzen is a member of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council).
It comes on the back of criticism of the Government's green agenda and fiscal policy levied by the Environment Audit Committee that claims environment taxes are so confusing businesses see them as a revenue - raising exercise, rather than being concerned about the green implications.
The report, to be delivered early in the new year, will be the first response made by Theresa May's administration to a major environmental concern and will have considerable implications for future green policy outcomes.
The debate among experts in the climate sciences — and those interested in the public policy implications of climate change — concerns the magnitude and speed of future warming, which requires understanding of the dynamics of the many factors involved — which are investigated by analysis of past and current climate data.
Yesterday's street protest by legal professionals of all stripes really began last week, a few days after Bill 78 was adopted with a few lawyers sharing concerns about its implications on a Facebook page, Bourget said before the march.
Two reasons drove this conclusion: (1) the belief that a separate course would provide a better framework for teaching analysis and writing; and (2) a concern about the practical implications of making the combined course structure work together with the other big change brought by the 2000 curricular review — consolidated, one - semester versions of most first - year courses.24 The proposed changes to the writing program generated quite a bit of debate, 25 and its ultimate approval came with an agreement that the new courses would be evaluated after a few years.
Counseled a labor union concerning the implications of litigation by a third party against a major employer of union members.
The committee, chaired by Sir Alan Beith and rather lacking in Parliamentary stars, was particularly concerned to probe the implications of price competitive tendering.
Earlier in November, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, expressed opposition by judges to «the succession of significant fee increases» which have left the judiciary «very concerned about the implications for access to justice», as reported by The Guardian.
The most prurient aspect of the dispute concerned the allegations by CanniMed's special committee that the locked - up shareholders had been heavily involved with Aurora and others in orchestrating and facilitating the Aurora bid, such that the locked - up holders should be considered «joint actors» (this characterization would have significant disclosure implications and make the bid more difficult by excluding those shares from the 50 - per - cent minimum tender condition and from any minority approval of a subsequent acquisition transaction).
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