Sentences with phrase «concerns about salvation»

Gregory does not, it turns out, base his critique on concerns about salvation and true doctrine, but instead on the inability of the contemporary world — having unjustly excluded religious ways of thinking from the public arena of the secularized university — to address and resolve adequately for people what he calls «Life Questions.»
You need to understand the fact that the fear of having committed the unpardonable sin is the manifestation of your concern about your salvation, about your eternal security, about eternal life.

Not exact matches

, Gerard McKay's ongoing concern about the trustworthiness, perhaps even the orthodoxy of any text that cites Tertullian's famous dictum «the flesh is the hinge of salvation» (caro cardo salutis est) is surely misplaced (Letters, Nov - Dec 07).
Thus, church and society are the chief areas of Christian concern; politics and political economics are, and must be, their servants, else they will follow Mammon entirely, trailing along, often generations behind; only appearing to be innovators., That is why the church can and must speak about «social salvation,» and do so wisely.
Is it possible that the reason that the Corinthians were so concerned about baptism is that they had been taught by the Apostle Paul and other Christian evangelists that salvation and the promise of the resurrection of the dead and eternal life are received in Baptism, just as orthodox Christians, including Lutherans, have been teaching for almost 2,000 years??
I know a LOT of Christians who have made their peace with God concerning our origins and are passionate about sharing their salvation.
Similarly there are those who actively refuse the gift of salvation — and these are the ones I've been led to be most concerned about.
Instead of you being concerned about the welfare of these eternal souls as to wondering whether or not they will get the chance for salvation, you get hung up on that somehow because not everyone will get that chance in their mortal lives that somehow that means that God is biased; that in my beliefs as to how God gives out those opprotunities that it doesn't meet to your specifications, then that automatically means that God is biased, when in my beliefs the point is that no matter how you slice it everybody whehter in this life or afterwards will get a chance at learning about the gospel and make their own choices as to whether to follow the gospel or not.
«concerned with inanities like...» = > again all was meant for your salvation and to bring about very good.
The overpassing of the limitation of externality in early Hebrew morals involved not only the development of ethical ideals concerning special virtues such as magnanimity, but a profoundly important evolution of thought about the nature of sin in general and of what is necessary in securing salvation from it.
if you are serious about your salvation, you will not accept anyone word concerning this matter.
You know, if you are serious about your salvation, you will not accept anyone word concerning this matter.
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