Sentences with phrase «concerns about the new approach»

That's the word from the Association of Justice Counsel, which is raising concerns about the new approach.

Not exact matches

First Corinthians arose when the - concerned founder - pastor wrote in response to reports about (I Cor.1: 11; 5:1; 11:18) and queries from (7:1, 25; 8:1; 12:1, 16:1, 12; all verses where the Apostle uses the phrase «now concerning» to bring up a new subject) a charismatic Christian community approaching crisis.
In a new approach, the DEC and researchers at Cornell University have developed a survey asking people about deer - related interests and concerns.
He said: «In my view, it is not beyond the ingenuity of Theresa May and Angela Merkel — if they wanted to — to forge a new pan-European approach to immigration that deals both with the EU's porous external borders, which are of huge concern to millions of voters across the continent, and with some of the concerns about freedom of movement in the UK.»
Researchers at the University of Michigan have identified a potential new approach to fertility preservation for young cancer patients that addresses concerns about beginning cancer treatment immediately and the possibility of reintroducing cancer cells during the fertility preservation process.
Approaching the two - month anniversary of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing, a new UMass Poll released today by the University of Massachusetts Amherst shows that only one - in - eight Massachusetts residents are very concerned about a terrorist attack where they live.
* Update: A commenter on this story notes that he and additional editors of Scientific Reports have sent NPG a letter detailing concerns about the new peer - review approach.
New York Times columnist Bob Herbert wrote that «concerns raised by parents about Ms. Rhee's take - no - prisoners approach were ignored.
It reads: «Given concerns about both the design and administration of the new assessments, the lack of preparation for schools, the inadequate time to implement the new curriculum for the current cohort, and the variations in approaches between schools resulting from delayed and obscure guidance, it is hard to have confidence in the data produced by this round of assessments.»
At the same time, increased public and elite concern about the effect of underperforming schools on national equity and economic competitiveness has created new political incentives for policymakers to embrace innovative approaches to teacher quality and school reform generally.
And that's why I'm so concerned about the new SAT's approach to vocabulary — namely cutting «obscure» and «arcane» words.
Sen. Patty Murray, D - WA, and Rep. Bobby Scott, D - VA, expressed concern about the U.S. Dept. of Education's new approach to reviewing state ESSA plans.
Although many Kentucky educators praise the Common Core for its back - to - basics approach in the elementary years and increased rigor, the poor results have raised concerns about whether it was fair suddenly to ask students to do harder work without properly teaching them foundational skills and whether schools have enough resources to implement the new standards faithfully.
While many colleges and universities say that graduates of redesigned high schools will not be disadvantaged in the admissions process, 66 family concerns about college admissions might inhibit enrollment in new high schools that use competency - based approaches.67 At least one state, Utah, has passed legislative language with the intent to bar public institutions of higher education from treating graduates of competency - based high schools unfairly during the admissions process.68 As new issues and challenges emerge, states will need to remain vigilant and creative about how to best encourage and enable innovative high school designs.
The Sauls approached shelters in their home state of New Jersey, but most were initially skeptical, concerned about exposing their animals to danger, and unsure if it would work.
This exhibition explores a wide range of important topics including: personal histories, cultural traditions, environmental concerns, the effects of violence, changing ideas about gender and sexuality, and new approaches to the medium of photography.
Conference attendees, especially those working for organisations with a strong U.S. presence, were also concerned about how to approach the new Privacy Shield agreement that will replace Safe Harbor.
Any couples therapists concerned about increasing their effectiveness and avoiding relapse need to master this powerful new approach
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