Sentences with phrase «concerns at your next visit»

Please discuss your pet's dental needs and concerns at your next visit to Montrose Animal Hospital and Pet Hotel.

Not exact matches

The next check up with your pediatrician will be when your infant is two months old (although some doctors also recommend a visit at four weeks of age) or earlier if you have any concerns.
Ask your doctor or midwife at your next visit to check to help easy your concerns.
At my next visit, my doctor would assure me there was nothing to be concerned about.
You can discuss it at your child's next well visit or make an appointment if you are concerned.
I would encourage you to mention these concerns to your pediatrician at your next well baby visit so he can observe your daughter.
Question topics included financial incentives given by the City to Altronix (which hosted the Mayor for a visit just before the press conference), whether the mayor has concerns about offering such incentives, whether his jobs task force will work with local communities, whether his affordable housing plan conflicts with his plan to enable more manufacturing in the city, what a base livable minimum wage is, whether the mayor is concerned about the possibility that Republicans may control the U.S. Senate next year, whether NY State has done enough to assist NYC in obtaining hazard mitigation money from the federal government, the Mayor's views on items sold at the September 11th Museum gift shop and what the first «tangible» product of the task force will be.
In the hands of an ND, you won't need to visit your walk - in clinic for some ineffective and potentially harmful antibiotics the next time you get a cold; you'll be taught how to manage common health concerns at home and feel in control of your body.
So, at your next visit with your veterinarian, I recommend discussing your concerns and confusion about your cat's initial bloodwork, and discuss the next best steps in treating her.
Should your pet need a new diet due to health concerns or you are just looking for a healthy alternative to your current brand, we are happy to consult with you at your cat's next visit about nutritional recommendations to help keep your cat healthy.
I wouldn't be concerned about it, double check with your Veterinarian at your next visit, but I would say it is the xiphoid process.
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