Sentences with phrase «conclusion of the film»

Is the ambiguous narrative conclusion of a film really what you go to see it for, and not the ideas being presented and the artistic execution of them?
Whether the taste was worth it, we did not yet know, for at the conclusion of the film, Gunn wanted us to first sample other Johnnie Walker whiskies.
At the conclusion of the film, all 40 video screens convert into large interactive touch panels.
The conclusion of the film and the actual reveal of the killer are a little unsatisfying for my taste, but let's not quibble over the destination when the journey was so much fun.
Having a film depicting homemade collagen injections and the destructive power of the father for an opening night film was a brave move, one which had everyone talking about it for weeks afterwards, which (coupled with the moving standing ovation at the conclusion of the film) I believe is the sign of a successful opening night film.
What is fascinating, however, is that Eternal Sunshine's happy ending sits rather uncomfortably at the conclusion of a film that demolishes the thematic core of the genre itself: the idea that these two lovers are made for each other and that they will, as a result, live happily ever after.
How does the result of that not get touched on before the conclusion of the film?
The conclusion of the film is given such life thanks to Christopher Walken being Christopher Walken.
The musical cues were over the top, the directing style that seemed to love capturing the nefarious glances that the suspects gave added a goofy quality to content that was very serious in nature, and the conclusion of the film is frustrating at best, absurd at worst.
At the conclusion of the film, Ripley has no choice but to end her life and take the newly born queen alien with her.
Levi also announced the conclusion of filming on his Instagram.
Nevertheless, Harry's actions are continuously depicted as justifiable and the conclusion of the film leaves no doubt that the filmmakers want us to feel that his actions are righteous and worthy of vindication.
It's not a spoiler for me to mention that Lester dies at the conclusion of the film; we learn this less than five minutes into it.
I found the conclusion of the film deeply morally unsatisfying, as I suspect most viewers will.
Rod also comes to Chris's rescue at the conclusion of the film supporting this notion of empowerment relating to the comradery of Black men.
Yet, by going fully insane for the conclusion of that film, Cage elevates the material from forgettable thriller into camp masterpiece.
At the conclusion of the film, «Mama Bush» says while she had always dreamed of becoming a super model, because of her daughter's success she has instead become a star in the art world.
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