Sentences with phrase «conclusive enough»

Conversely, the data isn't conclusive enough to unequivocally say there is no hot spot.
While the analysis done by Shawn Lawrence Otto are interesting, they are not conclusive enough for me to point an accusatory finger at anyone.
The first two of the four ingredients, the warming - related ones, have a distinct climate disruption smell about them, even if the case is less than conclusive enough to convict.
Having read other material on the consequences and relationships of CCN's and lifetimes regarding papers that have been written, it seems that a lot of the papers coming from the Svensmark angle, so to speak, are not conclusive enough of definitive impact in the impact potentials for global warming, to jsutify the claims made by Svensmark, or the press about his, or similar, work.
Perhaps you conclude that the won - loss record he achieves in a single year is not conclusive enough evidence and you give...
Of course, this alone can not be held as evidence conclusive enough to start hooting for an Amazon tablet running Android but there sure are quite a few developments that does point to a possible greater role of the Android operating system in the Amazon camp.
CSRQ reviewers use Part 2 to decide whether a study is strong or conclusive enough to be considered in Part 3 of the QRT review.
«But it doesn't tell us enough — Goldhaber says it's not conclusive enough that the trend is reversing — and we're still not taking enough top - shelf talent and getting them into teaching.
Various studies have been done but none have really been conclusive enough to confirm one way or another.
According to him, results from current neutrino detectors have been somewhat puzzling when compared with theoretical predictions, but at the same time they are not conclusive enough to prove the theories wrong.
The isotope data was not conclusive enough, and even the sophisticated site preference technique did not provide enough information to tease out the relative roles of different microbes.
(and you deny exists) But here is where I believe the evidence becomes conclusive enough for me to accept it as «proof».

Not exact matches

So InVivo headed back to St. Kitts, where it is testing 16 animals — enough to yield results that can be presented to the FDA as conclusive.
His models and hypotheses may predict spontaneous creation, but I'm not certain he has enough evidence to make that a conclusive statement.
I'm yet to see enough from Theo to make a personal, conclusive judgement.
While most science labs had claimed there was not enough conclusive evidence the human stains on Monica's Lewinsky's dress belonged to President Clinton, Barcelona's medical staff proved it beyond a doubt.
While some encouraging studies have been done, not enough conclusive ones are available quite yet.
I also read that about testing medication, it makes sense that maybe people would volunteer to test products but nobody would do that pregnant or breastfeeding and those people that may have to take the medications are probably not enough to draw conclusive results from if they test to see what the effects were.
«We simply do not know enough yet to say anything conclusive.
The professional group felt that there was enough — though by no means conclusive — information about these specific mutations to merit letting patients know if they had tested positive for them.
But the evidence that they had created the plasma was not conclusive, and it may be another year before Brookhaven physicists are confident enough to declare success.
But this observation was also made outside the plant's native habitat, and it was only a single report — not enough for conclusive proof of pollination by fungus gnats.
Only two subjects responded that they were sexually abused in the survey, which was not enough to provide conclusive findings, McGuigan said.
He said he's wholly willing to embrace something outside of Western medicine but there hasn't been enough conclusive science about it for him to have a strong opinion.
There isnt enough conclusive evidence that Just Hook Up works to line up an actual NSA.
It's a bit mindless and doesn't really have a conclusive ending, but ultimately I was entertained and for this type of film that's good enough for me I suppose.
I just hope there's a narrative that feels conclusive as I'm growing tired of these zombie movies that end with either a cure or an ambivalent and vague segue as characters continue down a path unknown to the viewer (Romero did this enough, it's time to get creative and do something different).
An independent accountant expressed concern in the report that Averre - Beeson was the trust's internal auditor as well as chief executive during 2014 - 15, and said there was not enough conclusive evidence that compensation payments totalling # 249,107 made to 11 employees were in line with EFA regulations.
It has been slowly gaining credibility over the last decade, but there isn't enough conclusive research to prove it's a better way to teach.
After reading all of the already conclusive research, they still worked on this for months before feeling that they had enough data to support using it in the field.
There haven't been enough conclusive studies researching the effects of turmeric for dogs to decide whether it is effective or completely safe.
It was perhaps a bit small, with a sample size of 122 fledglings, but that number is large enough to be at least indicative, although not conclusive.
Another hour with a new chunk of the game wasn't enough to be conclusive, but it was enough to learn a few things.
This agrees with all observations but the observations are either not global or not accurate enough to be conclusive.
I am old enough to vividly remember the shrill panic in the media and the seemingly conclusive, reputable science - based support for all of these (except Japanese internment — I'm not quite that old but my parents remember the hysteria in detail).
ARGO is not long enough to be conclusive, but even it shows the dampened response and less that expected 0 - 1000 meter warming.
I think not, because sometimes even conclusive proof isn't enough for government and society to act.
I have not followed the field enough to tell, how well this issue has been studied, or how conclusive results have been obtained from such studies.
Whether the Yodle campaign was a huge success or a bust, 3 months is probably not a long enough period to make a conclusive call on its overall effectiveness
Several people have claimed to be the mysterious programmer or, as often suspected, a group of programmers; numerous attempts have been made to identify the person or group, but none have been satisfactory enough to be viewed as conclusive.
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