Sentences with word «condign»

Partisans may be tempted to see such a result as condign punishment for the President's misjudgments; they may feel that he deserves to pay the price for his hypocrisy and cheap and demagogic attacks on his predecessor.
Those who were irremediately evil would be assigned to a place (if that was the right word) where God's absence would be felt with everlasting anguish and where condign punishment for wrong - doing would be experienced.
[300] Cartel conduct of the sort engaged in by NYK warrants denunciation and condign punishment.
Justice Wigney said in his judgment the «cartel conduct of the sort engaged in by NYK warrants denunciation and condign punishment» because «it is ultimately detrimental to, or at least likely to be detrimental to, Australian businesses and consumers.
Despite its reference to the «causes» of crime, the obvious implication was that punishment would be condign, ie «tough», and that New Labour would no longer be the softies.
Dave Asprey: It is condign.
Indeed, so far as I can tell, Justices quashing legislation is seen by many Americans as a condign reminder to overreaching politicians of the supremacy of the constitution.
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