Sentences with phrase «condition of ambiguity»

No premature withdrawals will be permitted from this fund for meeting personal expenses,» said a senior executive of a private insurance company, on the condition of ambiguity.
It is once again the condition of ambiguity in the universe and in the construction of each occasion that allows a new situation to come about with its own private and consummatory enjoyment.
This presence of many possibilities is the very condition of ambiguity.
The fact that the «subjective form» assigned to a past entity by a present entity in prehension is variable testifies to this basic condition of ambiguity of past occasions with reference to present ones.
The new decision must make sense of the old ones the best it can as it moves along through novel conditions of ambiguity with new data and new possibilities.

Not exact matches

The ambiguity of Alfie's condition is explained in a statement from his doctors.
Gregory makes a stunning point on the ambiguities of giving to those derelicts among the poor who are by consensus generally regarded as less worthy: One should give not just to the unworthy poor, but also to the worthy poor, regardless of their moral condition, and for a profound reason: because one «gives of his bread to an indigent sinner, not because he is a sinner, but because he is a man.
It must be open to input from both listener and speaker, and it must of necessity be full of the ambiguity and uncertainty that characterizes the human condition.
In his «The Size of God» Loomer says he «continues the empirical tradition» and attempts to establish inductively that the various ambiguities he describes as onto - logical conditions «derive from the basic characteristics of individuals and societies» (SG 23,45).
The ever - present condition of a newly forming top layer would supply ambiguity to the accumulated archaeology of stratified decisions.
Ambiguity immediately becomes the condition of the universe again, but in the private recess of each newly forming event of experience, ambiguity is resolved in an atomAmbiguity immediately becomes the condition of the universe again, but in the private recess of each newly forming event of experience, ambiguity is resolved in an atomambiguity is resolved in an atomic event.
Intentionality rests upon ambiguity as the condition out of which prehension arises.
Ambiguity means, most basically, that the same event or condition has many meanings; the many possibilities of meaning give rise to the decision.
In addition to these factors one would probably also need to mention, following Sidney E. Mead, the importance of enlightenment thought in the formative period.5 Since most of the chapters in this volume concern themselves with the special conditions and ambiguities of the American solution, this is not the place to examine them further.
There is only one way out of the ironies and the ambiguities of the human condition: return to God's nothingness, the radical non-being of God and death.
Stronger correlating factors include low - light conditions, a high degree of ambiguity, the perception of felonious behavior, and abrupt movements.
He lamented that Nigerians had nothing to celebrate as the APC «has plunged the vast majority of the people into this two years of despondency, ambiguity, repressed and depressed condition and still ongoing.»
«Fruits covered with fancy gems are reflections of the ambiguity, which is what one wants in the immediacy of the moment or quality of novelty, compared to its real value and perishable condition,» she explains in his artist statement.
The artist may be heavily invested in ideas of ambivalence, ambiguity and the theatrics of performing authenticity, but let it be known that there is no ambiguity in the critical conditions residents here are facing today.
Gwangju Folly II artistic director Nikolaus Hirsch and curators Philipp Misselwitz and Eui Young Chun have developed a curatorial approach within the ambiguities of a folly as a critical tool of inquiry to address the condition of public space.
In the event of any inconsistency / ambiguity between the terms contained herein and the policy terms and conditions, the policy terms and conditions shall prevail.
Among other things, the ICAC found profound ambiguities in the purposes, principles and mechanisms of the ALRA (NSW), which, together with uncertainty about the effect of the legislation are likely to cause the conditions in which corrupt conduct it more likely to occur.130
Consult an attorney if there is any ambiguity as to interpretation of the purchase agreement, compliance with the purchase agreement given the change in conditions, a desire to amend the existing agreement, or a question about compliance with state law.
Personal and intellectual humility, empathy, emotional intelligence, and self - management are required leadership capabilities within HPLOs, because these qualities nurture the very human capabilities that are at the root of adaptation and innovation: the ability to ideate, create, emotionally engage, and learn in conditions of uncertainty, ambiguity, and rapid change.
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