Sentences with phrase «condition of stress»

Every now and then all university and college students undergo conditions of stress and depression with regards to completing their homework tasks in due time.
The type of decisions that serious poker players have to make under conditions of stress and uncertainty bear a number of similarities to those that investors are faced with.
In other words it avoids the breakdown of protein into amino acids for diversion to other areas thereby keeping the muscles intact even in strenuous workouts or conditions of stress thereby preventing the loss of stamina and increases the endurance level and fight fatigue.
It has been shown that the endocannabinoid system is an important mediator in the interaction of man to conditions of stress of either psychological / emotional as well as of physical nature responses to stress.
In test animals, diets high in polyunsaturates from vegetable oils inhibit the ability to learn, especially under conditions of stress; are toxic to the liver; compromise the integrity of the immune system; depress the mental and physical growth of infants; increase levels of uric acid in the blood; cause abnormal fatty acid profiles in the adipose tissues: have been linked to mental decline and chromosomal damage and accelerate aging.
Among the likely changes to Dodd - Frank: raising the threshold for tougher oversight from the current $ 50 billion in assets to $ 250 billion; exempting small banks from the so - called Volcker rule, which currently bars them from speculative trading; reducing the amount of financial reporting, particularly racial and income data on mortgage holders; lowering the frequency of regulatory exams; and easing the conditions of stress tests.
We suffer because we are always in transition, always in a condition of stress, always free at every moment to stop or turn back or close our ears.
In new situations, healthy people tend to use goal - directed control; however, under conditions of stress, they frequently select habitual learning.
Stem cells can also use tunneling nanotubes to transfer mitochondria to neighboring cells and the number of these nanotubes increases under conditions of stress.
The agreement is focused on modulators of the Integrated Stress Response (ISR), a set of processes activated in cells under conditions of stress.
Cortisol rises will precede a decrease in testosterone and this is exactly what happens under conditions of stress.
Part of the issue here is that under conditions of stress, assets separate into two simple categories — safe and risky.
A number of them have written about central banking and financial markets under conditions of stress.
(I.e., the liability can get more onerous under conditions of stress.)
Kennel cough is most commonly seen under conditions of stress and / or overcrowding of dogs and cats.
If ever there was a time for plain language drafting, documents that: * have serious consequences * that will be read under conditions of stress, * by non-legally trained persons * with limited access to lawyers the Anton Pillar model order seems to be one.
Individual variations in infants» attachment to caregivers can be observed through their behaviour, especially under conditions of stress that activate seeking and maintaining proximity.
The purpose of this paper was to provide the reader with an understanding of this newly discovered unique female biochemical pathway, which is expressed under conditions of stress.
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