Sentences with phrase «condition of the poor»

No other intellectual and moral virtue can bring together the immense number of idle hands with the immense amounts of work still to be done to improve the living conditions of the poor.
The research is very good at describing the social and economic conditions of the poor, much less good at explaining how they got that way.
Published annually since 2009, Basic Facts about Low - Income Children profiles demographic and socioeconomic conditions of poor and low - income children in fact sheets for five age groups, from infants and toddlers to adolescents.
There is an impressive amount of research indicating that the deteriorating condition of the poor majority in Latin America [in recent times] is largely the result of U.S. intervention and the imposition of «American style» democracy and free market capitalism.
Since the theory says we should not support policies that worsen the economic condition of the poor for the sake of further enriching the rich, it is important for those operating by the theory to argue that the poor have not been damaged in the process.
After seeing the working conditions of the poor and homeless, she founded the Catholic Worker newspaper.
Quite simply, actually, by seeing to it that sex education in schools is improved, by supporting the development and distribution of more effective contraceptives (such as Norplant), and by improving the economic conditions of poor women and poor families.
This is the common condition of poor functioning abdominals with low tone, and back muscles that are too tight.
This is a very new area of study but there is some terrific information coming out showing how functional medicine is successfully being used to treat the underlying conditions of poor mental health instead of using band - aid solutions like anti-depressants.
A recent study by the South African Institute of Race Relations shows that state programs are already having a marked effect on improving the basic living conditions of the poorest segments of the population.
In Europe and other countries adhering to UN Regulation 48, vehicles must be equipped with one or two bright red «rear fog lamps», which serve as high - intensity rear position lamps to be turned on by the driver in conditions of poor visibility to make the vehicle more visible from the rear.
Solar energy has the potential to improve the living conditions of poor rural households in India as well as contribute to the country's future energy security, according to Professor Govindasamy Agoramoorthy from Tajen University,...
Published annually since 2009, Basic Facts about Low - Income Children presents demographic characteristics and socioeconomic conditions of poor and low - income children in fact sheets for five age groups, from infants and toddlers to adolescents.
And if we compare the condition of the poor in urban slums with that of the poor on subsistence farms, my own judgment is that there is more loss than gain.
Most of them went through a period in which the conditions of the poor in general and workers in particular were miserable.
More critical analysis is needed to show how the whole direction of modern scientific work serves the interests of the rich and powerful and worsens the condition of the poor and powerless.
Planned parenthood is a useful and necessary step for all societies in addressing the conditions of the poor.
What has been done so far to improve the condition of the poor down all the long centuries?
Though formal slavery is abolished the conditions of the poor are similar to forms of slavery.
The only way, it seems, that the condition of the poor can be improved is by overall increase in production and consumption.
Indeed, so much government money has been spent trying to improve the condition of the poor since 1965 that it would actually have been more efficient to mail every one of the poor families, households, and single persons in the United States enough cash to lift all of them above the poverty level every year.
This recognition may lead to placing priority on meeting the current needs, and hence of opposing those policies that now worsen the condition of the poor and of the environment.
Indeed, I believe that left to itself the market worsens the condition of the poor.
We want to know: How can we better measure and communicate the conditions of the poorest 1 to 2 billion people in the world?
You might think they're talking about current American politics: There is no money in the national treasury for more social programs like orphanages and vaccinations; The military budget must be cut; The rich are intent on keeping their tax privileges; Members of the legislature continue to beat down all proposed reforms of the leader; The conditions of the poor are getting worse; Some religious leaders insist that the Earth was created in six literal days; Foreigners must be deported.
The exhibition's title is drawn from the 1858 publication, «Midnight scenes and social photographs: sketches of life in the streets, wynds, and dens of the city [of Glasgow]» by Alexander Brown, a letterpress printer in Glasgow, containing what he termed as «facts and observations» of the conditions of the poor, with photographs of the streets of Glasgow taken by moonlight.
In ten years, the living conditions of the poor have been improving — but not necessarily because of...
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