Sentences with phrase «conditioned lives of men»

The future is not the end of time but the fullness of time, not the transcending of the world and mankind but fulfillment through the world and through mankind — it is a fulfillment of the unconditioned will of God in the conditioned lives of men.

Not exact matches

Trump's positive outlook on relations with Kim Jong Un is a marked departure from social media taunts in November of last year, in which he called Kim «Little Rocket Man» and noted that his people and military «put up with living in such horrible conditions
I am, indeed, deeply regretful of the fact that you were not allowed to be compelled to sacrifice your life for the good of everyone else the way that men are required to do, and I have actually been a very vocal advocate for women to be allowed into combat conditions — indeed, to lead combat platoons.
ATHENS / NEW YORK, MAY 3, 2018 — As the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, visits Lesvos for a regional conference, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warns that thousands of men, women, and children in Lesvos are living in squalid, overcrowded conditions in Moria camp, with insufficient access to health care.
At least one place Lewis explains this problem was in the Screwtape letters, where a demon exclaims, «How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition
I believe that man is, by nature, an exile and will never be self - sufficient or complete on this earth; that his chances of happiness and virtue, here, remain more or less constant through the centuries and, generally speaking, are not much affected by the political and economic conditions in which he lives; that the balance of good and ill tends to revert to a norm; that sudden changes of physical condition are usually ill, and are advocated by the wrong people for the wrong reasons; that the intellectual communists of today have personal, irrelevant grounds for their antagonism to society, which they are trying to exploit.
These it takes as the conditions for nurturing «qualities of mind and character» (ICC 25) that have enabled and should again serve to enable «generations of men and women to grasp a vision of the good life, a life of responsible citizenship and human decency» (ICC 6).
Stating that men have been killed in Chittagong's shipbreaking yards on the coast of southern Bangladesh, he said: «This work is carried out in very hazardous conditions and claims innumerable human lives
«Whatever insults human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery... the selling of women and children; as well as disgraceful working conditions, where men are treated as mere tools for profit, rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others of their like are infamies indeed... they are a supreme dishonour to the Creator.»
To the Christian, such an atheistic approach to human nature is essentially inhuman, since men do not exist without a fundamental religious vocation any more than they exist in this life without physical needs, individuality or communities, all aspects of the human condition eagerly studied by social scientists.
Hence the salvation God wanted man to have reached him according to the divine will and permission in the concrete religion of the historical conditions and circumstances of his life, though this did not deprive him of the right and the limited opportunity to criticize and to pay attention to the reforming impulses which God's providence always inspired in such a religion.
The most powerful, self - sacrificing love is revealed in the Bible as God Himself became a man to die for the sins off the world.The Bible alone reveals the plan of salvation and the conditions that must be met by all to have immortality aand a life that measures with that of Gods.
They believe in a Church which has the courage, not only to proclaim an eternal life as God's gift and the hope of men, but also to declare that, and how, man has to shape this world of his and its conditions according to the will of God.
This «something» is precisely human nature: this nature is itself the measure of culture and the condition ensuring that man does not become the prisoner of any of his cultures, but asserts his personal dignity by living in accordance with the profound truth of his being.
While the former aims at the restoration of «true man,» «original man,» the goal of the latter was the transcendence of the human condition, the acquisition of some degree of freedom from the needs or laws that determine ordinary human life by assimilation to a radically different state of being [The Heating Journey (Pantheon, 1973) p. 17].
Furthermore, the Spirit is thereby set loose in the world to reconcile men and women with their God and to set up the conditions for a deeper and richer form of human life (CG 247 - 49).
It is pervaded by the sense of the order of the creation, with a definite physical, living, and moral structure which set the conditions of man's life.
And they represent ways in which, under given conditions and in given circumstances, men and women have felt that they were «saved» from what dragged them down and damaged their lives, and that they were being drawn as they responded in commitment of self to the action of God in Jesus Christ.
... But they dwell in Greek or barbarian cities according to each man «slot has been cast, and follow the customs of the land in clothing and food, and other matters of daily life, yet the conditions of citizenship they exhibit is wonderful, and admittedly strange.
Hitherto Man as a whole has lived practically speaking without attempting any far - going analysis of the conditions proper to and ensuing from his activities.
In the life of spirit, on the other hand, there is no stopping [Stilstand](nor in reality is there any condition [Tilstand], everything is actuality): in case then a man the very same second he has known what is right does not do it — well then, first of all, the knowledge stops boiling.
To fail to be one's true human self is to fail in maintaining on one's part the right relationship with God in the divine intention for mankind and at the same moment a failure in right relationships with other men and women and children, characterized as it should be by the caring, sharing, giving, and receiving which brings about a condition of peace and concord — which is shalom or abundance of life.
Man is in reality, many persons now tell us, a biological species, with a superficial adaptation to those artificial conditions of life which we call civilization; but under his skin, and beneath the thin top level of his inquiring, aggressive, clever mind, he is still what he has always been — an acquisitive, competitive, power - seeking, warring beast, with which the divine Spirit must still «strive,» even as at the beginning of human history.
What is the use of civilization that simply makes men incompetent to live under the conditions which exist?
In that universe of discourse, belief in God spells trust in life and man, as capable of transcending the potentialities of evil that inhere in his animal heredity, in his social heritage, and in the conditions of his environment.
Moreover, back of this primitive tradition was the life and the teaching of One who had himself lived man's life, under the conditions of growing political oppression and injustice and of the threatened extinction of Jewish faith and worship and of the whole Jewish way of life.
In case one were to think of a house, consisting of cellar, ground - floor and premier étage, so tenanted, or rather so arranged, that it was planned for a distinction of rank between the dwellers on the several floors; and in case one were to make a comparison between such a house and what it is to be a man — then unfortunately this is the sorry and ludicrous condition of the majority of men, that in their own house they prefer to live in the cellar.
I am convinced that these principles, faithfully maintained, above all when dealing with human life, from conception to natural death, with marriage - rooted in the exclusive and indissoluble gift of self between one man and one woman - and freedom of religion and education, are necessary conditions if we are to respond adequately to the decisive and urgent challenges that history presents to each one of you,»
He's saying there is a God, or a higher power that controls the conditions in which we experience life, and Kanye acknowledges that God is almighty (He also say's he's a man of God in the song).
What we can do is to discover in human experience those social, economic, political, and cultural conditions which may open the way for the life of free men under God.
Romans 1:17 - 32 describes all our condition, the condition of the unrighteous, which includes every single man or woman who ever lived, save Christ.
The importance of the power problem for Christian ethics derives both from the fact that power, whether economic, political, military, or spiritual, means capacity to determine life for good or ill, and from the fact that some fundamental redistribution of power is necessary as a condition of the freedom and dignity of men in their social relations.
For far from being a deviation from biblical truth, this setting of man over against the sum total of things, his subject - status and the object - status and mutual externality of things themselves, are posited in the very idea of creation and of man's position vis - a-vis nature determined by it: it is the condition of man meant in the Bible, imposed by his createdness, to be accepted, acted through... In short, there are degrees of objectification... the question is not how to devise an adequate language for theology, but how to keep its necessary inadequacy transparent for what is to be indicated by it...» Hans Jonas, Phenomenon of Life, pp. 258 - 59; cf. also Schubert Ogden's helpful discussion on «Theology and Objectivity,» Journal of Religion 45 (1965): 175 - 95; Ian G. Barbour, Issues in Science and Religion (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice - Hall, 1966), pp. 175 - 206; and Michael Polanyi, Personal Knowledge (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962).
So far as I understand the matter, the conditions of reasonableness in our situation are secular, even if not secularistic, conditions, i.e., they demand the unqualified acceptance both of the method and world - picture of modern science and critical history and of the reality and significance of this world of time and change, which is the context of our lives as secular men.
We may see in the life of Israel and in the personal life of Jesus just such an intensification, creating the conditions such that God's culminating aims for man could become relevant for realization.
Not all divine aims are (or could be) christological aims, for it is only under very special circumstances within human life that God could introduce, as relevant to those conditions and opportunities, that aim capable of transforming man beyond himself.
Men must think of the whole range of biosocial conditions which pertain to the realization of the potentialities of individuals in a justly ordered society living in harmonious union with the planetary environment.
Jesus meant by the «kingdom of God» simply the rule of God in so far as it was and could be realized by men living under the normal conditions of human life.
His preaching method is partly to blame for his lack of communication about God's grace: he spoke more often of sin, and since the life of grace is still mixed with evil it is easier to stress man's condition of sin.
about the eternal life in God; nor does anything point to moral improvement and perfection as an indispensable condition for the achievement of this goal... It is only just to say that every man has an inherent right to favorable conditions for him to enjoy all - round development in his striving for a full - blooded life... However one can not agree with the opinion that where there are no conditions of life worthy of man one can not even speak of salvation today.
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has felt sometimes the WCC has not placed its thinking on the social content of salvation solidly within the perspective of the ultimate goal of salvation... the eternal life in God, «with the result that appropriation of eternal life is made to depend on social conditions rather than social conditions on the appropriation of eternal life»; and the Ecumenical Patriarchate has warned us that in «turning towards the anguish of the man today», the WCC must not forget the basic truth that man sees himself as hungering for an answer to a basic question over and beyond his acute interest in the most vital socio - political problems of the day.»
There is a sense in which a kind of approximation to the Greek teaching does actually take place, to the extent that the inner man, who has already been transformed by the Spirit (Romans 6:3 ff), and consequently made alive, Continues to live with Christ in this transformed state, in the condition of sleep.
Man can reshape the conditions of his life, change the face of nature, eliminate killing diseases, reconstruct the human body, control the growth of population in ways beyond anything remotely conceivable before the twentieth century.
He must have lived so that he has hours and times in which he collects his mind, so that his life can win the transparency that is a condition for being able to put the question to himself and for being able to answer it — if, of course, it is legitimate to demand that a man shall know whereof he speaks.
Or once again, in Leonard Hodgson's way of phrasing it, we are trying to find what the state of things really is, how things really go, in a fashion which makes sense to us, when we grant that men and women who lived at that time, under those conditions, with those presuppositions, spoke about the matter in that way.
The work of the Eternal Word of God, present in men spermatically, as Justin Martyr for example put it, offered this possibility of salvation, so that the historical accident of having lived after Jesus or having heard about Him was not the necessary condition of the salvation which God purposed for His human children.
This is seen as a «contradiction,» which he resolved by presenting the notion that «God has a twofold life — a life in himself of unclouded peace and self - satisfaction, and a life in and with His creation, in which He not only submits to the conditions of finitude, but even allows His power to be limited by the sinful will of man
Shadowflash, I don't recall your response to any of my posts... I usually do recall them... But I do agree with one thing you said... «human mind hates being wrong» But I see it differently then you do... I see human mind and human understanding being the stumbling block and point of pride, which prevents man from seeing the reality of his real condition, and the need to humble himself in order to be able to see himself as he is, and seek the help of His Creator without whom he is a living, moving shell, yet, without the vital part of him being alive, which would make him complete.
Thus the enjoyment of this life and the fulfilment of man's purpose, which is theosis, is not a repayment and a reward, but a natural condition.
I don't see why any of this should raise any sort of kerfuffle — he was a man just like any other in the manner of his living conditions, etc..
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