Sentences with phrase «conditioning tool»

A "conditioning tool" refers to something that is used to change or shape the behaviors or beliefs of a person or animal. It is typically used to train or control them in a specific way. Full definition
While they are a great conditioning tool, battle ropes never get used for strength training, or power output when in reality, they can be used for almost anything.
This exercise can do a great job simulating the Bulgarian Bag swing another excellent conditioning tool for fighters.
Performed for high reps, thrusters are an awesome conditioning tool which rival the mighty burpee whereas when performed with heavy weights, are a superb total body strengthener that teaches you to use your body as a single force - generating unit.
Battle Ropes are excellent conditioning tools for the core and upper body, but you can also easily incorporate lower body engagement with these six movements.
The sledgehammer is one of the first conditioning tools ever used in old school physical training, and you've probably noticed how damn good you feel when you use one of those around the home.
Bodyweight exercises are a lot more than the perfect conditioning tool for prisoners.
Kettlebells are an essential conditioning tool for modern Cross Training and HIIT.
The jump rope is not only a fun workout to turn up the sweat, it's also a key conditioning tool for athletes and boxers, like Laila Ali, to build endurance, coordination and agility.
«The Xiser Machine is a superior supplemental conditioning tool for my athletes.
Ropes can get brutal and are a punishing conditioning tool that'll not only forge full body stamina, but will also build up mental toughness.
Discover the many uses for these amazing strength and conditioning tools with hands - on coaching from one of the world's best.
Being level 1 and level 2 qualified through John Brookfield's Battling Ropes certification, as well as using the ropes as a vital component for Innovative Results clients (which include several MMA Champions, several Special Operations Elite Military, and high school / collegiate / professional athletes) for several years, we are frustrated when the fitness community says battle ropes are just a good conditioning tool for the upper body.
Very weapon - like in style, the Steel Mace is an unbelievable strength and conditioning tool which will help you build a ridiculously strong core, mobile and flexible shoulders, and the grip strength of an ape.
In the CrossFit culture, form is frequently disregarded and Olympic style weightlifts are being used as a conditioning tool.
The Battle Rope is a brutally effective fat burning and conditioning tool that will set your lungs on fire within seconds of starting each set.
Battle Ropes were originally utilized as a conditioning tool exclusively for the MMA and later, other elite level athletes.
Add deck squats towards the end of your workout as a conditioning tool.
Now we have a system so that everyone can use it as a recovery tool and a strength and conditioning tool.
The sandbag is an exceptional strength and conditioning tool that, when used effectively, will help you to develop great strength and conditioning.
They continue to be used by combat athletes today but more and more people, irrespective of any sport specific benefits, are recognizing the sandbag as a serious strength and conditioning tool.
Once only thought of as a conditioning tool for elite athletes in high - performance centers, they're now appearing in gyms across the country.
Workout Summary Battle Ropes were originally utilized as a conditioning tool exclusively for the MMA and later, other elite level athletes.
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