Sentences with phrase «conditions as the vegetables»

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As Chris prepped the grill for me, I sat comfortably in my air - conditioned apartment, giddy like the little vegetable obsessor I am — reading Kimberley Hasselbrink's new book, Vibrant Food.
Roughly one third of the food produced in the world (~ 1.3 billion tonnes) gets lost or wasted, with fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers having the highest wastage rates.33 Much of this is caused by the rigid product specification requirements of retailers and export destinations, which will be increasingly harder to meet as farming conditions become more unpredictable and varied.
Ms Evelyn Abena Kyere, Ocularist and Eye Nurse at the Korle - Bu Teaching Hospital has encouraged the public to take in lots of fruits and vegetables as natural preventive health care against eye conditions.
Because people with certain digestive conditions, such as colitis, are often warned to avoid too much roughage in their diets, future research may include determining the best ways for people to consume the broccoli — or other vegetables with similar effects — to receive the same health benefits, without causing any other associated digestive problems from the fibrous vegetables.
As for all those diet strategies (eat meat for a boy, vegetables for a girl), Cameron says she wouldn't be entirely surprised if they affected conditions in the uterus enough to make a difference: «We can't know if they are hogwash until we understand how this really works.»
The authors say more work needs to be done on establishing exactly what foods are best for promoting ideal gut conditions, however they conclude: «We think a diet high in fruits and vegetables is best as these are rich in fibre / complex carbohydrates, which are important because butyrate - producing species are dependent upon them indirectly via cross-feeding relations with fibre degraders.
Diets high in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risks of obesity and chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers.
If I thought that I could never have another bowl of chocolate ice cream for the rest of my life as a condition for the good nutrition of drinking vegetable and fruit juice, I'm not sure I would sign up.
She credits eating vegetables as a main part of overcoming being in a wheelchair from autoimmune condition.
Your body still needs some glucose or sugar to function like parts of your brain and blood but I never seen this point before it is a good point I need to look more into it but as I'm aware it doesn't say eat no carbs and some of those carbs is still good to come from good vegetables such as sweet potato and such and some of it from good sugar such as fruit but I do know some people have seen an improvement in their thyroid function those who have thyroid problems since eating this way but perhaps it can be a trigger for those long term eaters who see other problems arising in the metabolism and thyroid conditions but most of them are founded to be not avoiding certain sensitive trigger foods which has helped others when avoided
Some of the health benefits associated with cultured vegetables include reducing symptoms of conditions such as colic (give your baby a bit of the vegetable juice to build up their beneficial digestive bacteria), peptic ulcers, food allergies, constipation and many other digestive tract disorders.
I know of a lot of actual friends, you know, who will try something like this — and I have nothing wrong with people trying things — but they'll buy into a myth like this, they'll make changes in their lifestyle that we would generally think are good, for instance, eating more vegetables, eating more fruits, and they may have underlying health conditions that make meat or animal consumption, such as low stomach acid or GI infections or anything, a little harder for them to digest right now.
In 1978, Dr. Leo Wattenberg and his coworkers at the University of Minnesota conducted extensive research on cabbage and related vegetables, establishing I3C as the active compound with inhibitory and restorative properties, more precisely for neoplasia and similar conditions.
Understanding that because of your condition your risk of type II diabetes increase because the pancreas may not be producing as much insulin as you need but also knowing that insulin is an enzyme which is built by proteins and having to limit your fats, that leads toward more of the foods I just recommended, lean meats with many fruits and vegetables or a vegetarian / vegan diet.
According to American Dr Eric Osansky, who specialises in treating thyroid conditions with natural methods: «One should eat plenty of vegetables, ideally twice as many vegetables as fruits, and minimise the intake of grains, due to the impact they have on sugar levels.
Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables on the Planet, as it provides powerful medicinal properties and relieves many health conditions and ailments.
It outlined that common conditions such as IBS, constipation, diarrhea or acid reflux do not respond well to vegetable consumption, comparing it to «rubbing a wire brush against an open wound».
At first, Cora declines, but after conditions on the plantation continue to deteriorate, she reluctantly agrees to accompany Caesar, filling her bag — as her mother did before her — with every last vegetable from her plot.
Natural Balance has added kelp meal, a natural source of vitamins and minerals, as well as various fruits and vegetables to promote healthy skin and coat condition.
Alan talked about the difficulties experienced in providing fresh food such as vegetables and fruit in remote areas for Indigenous people which was both in high quality condition and affordable.
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