Sentences with phrase «conditions involved»

They also observed the same signature in a human brain, suggesting the technique has potential for treating a range of conditions involving compulsive behaviors.
However, because of the costs and conditions involved in a reverse mortgage, you should weigh your options carefully and consult with a professional who can explain the full implications.
Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities.
Millions of people worldwide struggle with addiction, a chronic, complex condition involving genes, environment, and behavior.
Critical illness is a severe health condition involving with an exhausting consequence on the lifestyle of an individual.
This study was a randomized clinical trial, with a wait - list control condition involving a sample of 59 matched participants with children aged birth to 8 years of age.
Then the bank only has to consider conditions involving the seller as well as the amount of the offer itself.
Most probably, teaching did not compensate these people enough given the working conditions involved.
It might also be noted that there are a whole set of special conditions involved when one tries to do collective bargaining with a prime minister or a general.
The human condition involves words, numbers and other cultural constructs, he points out.
Our investigation of thyroid conditions involves listening carefully to patients, and combining the information they provide with the results of functional medicine testing.
The comparison condition involved generating a list of criteria and reviewing first drafts.
Maintaining your vehicle in top condition involves repairing and replacing all parts that may be worn or damaged.
Aside from changes in credit, the two largest conditions involve the appraisal on the property you hope to purchase and a final approval from the lender's underwriting experts.
The teacher training condition involved 16 h of teacher training in the implementation of the programs.
This is a form of high risk life insurance even though there are no serious medical conditions involved.
Tart cherries are used for conditions involving inflammation and pain, such as arthritis, gout, muscle pain, back pain, diabetes, and neurogenerative diseases.
You must be very careful with any form of physical activity if you suffer from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) or any other condition involving heart muscle.
Clinically, it is most useful for conditions involving inflammation and swelling of glands (glandular fever, tonsillitis, mumps and prostate swelling) and for problems involving the urinary system.
If placental development is impaired, this may lead to growth disorders of the embryo or to life - threatening diseases of the mother such as preeclampsia, a serious condition involving high blood pressure and increased urinary protein excretion.
Another related concern during the implementation stage of a digital video science education research project under real classroom conditions involves keeping a log of field notes while videotaping (Hall, 2007).
Intestinal obstructions Sudden and persistent vomiting in children can be a symptom of a handful of rare conditions involving intestinal obstruction, such as intussusception (when one part of the bowel slides into the next part), malrotation (a twisting of the intestines), and Hirschprung disease (a blockage due to poor muscle movement in the bowel).
TPO agonists can treat conditions involving a scarcity of blood platelets, for example as a result of cancer chemotherapy.
Unmanaged preeclampsia can prevent a developing fetus from getting enough blood and oxygen, damage a mother's liver and kidneys, and, in rare cases, progress to eclampsia, a much more serious condition involving seizures.
Due to inclement weather conditions involving expected high winds and freezing rain, and with the safety of our fans in mind, Maple Leaf Square will be closed for both the Toronto Raptors game at 5:30 p.m. (as well as the Leafs broadcast following the conclusion of our game.)
The trial of research on ANGPTL3 as a potential target for atherosclerosis prevention began over a decade ago when scientists reported on two cases of familial hypolipidemia, a rare inherited condition involving abnormally low blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Others, however, feel that it is helpful to consider prions and other amyloids as being part of a single spectrum of conditions involving proteins that misfold and misbehave.
I looked at a few conditions involving changes in single - year P / E and in P / E10.
Additional fees may be applied at a flat rate of $ 75 per hour if the allotted grooming time is greatly exceeded due to unforeseen conditions involving excessive under coat extraction, heavily matted fur, or other unusual circumstances discovered during the course of grooming.
Hip dysplasia - This hereditary condition involves malformation of the hip joint.
The negative communication condition involved a condescending tonality, standoffish verbal comments, and low immediacy nonverbal behaviors.
This pathway also could be relevant in conditions involving loss of cells that make this insulation, like multiple sclerosis.»
Rheumatoid arthritis — an inflammatory condition involving multiple joints.
Similarly, low interoceptive awareness is associated with moderate depression [54] and has been reported in a number of clinical conditions involving negative affect, such as anorexia [37] and somatoform disorders [38], as well as alexithymia - a disorder characterised by an inability to identify and describe one's emotions [55].
Zipline's rugged, fixed - wing drones have already made over 1,400 flights and delivered 2,600 units of blood, even during bad weather conditions involving heavy rain or wind in Rwanda.
There is strong evidence of problematic conditions involving a combination of price acceleration, overvaluation and overbuilding, says the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
You might be induced for a variety of reasons, including: you've gone a week or 2 past your due date; it's been 12 to 24 hours since your water broke; you've been diagnosed with preeclampsia, a pregnancy condition involving high blood pressure; your placenta doesn't seem to be working properly; you have low amniotic fluid; or your baby's health or yours is at risk.
Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) led a large, international research team that has identified gene mutations associated with a rare congenital condition involving the absence of a nose and often accompanied by defects involving the eye and reproductive systems.
«This gives us an intriguing new target for therapies for conditions involving memory loss or poor memory formation.»
«Conversely, in conditions involving very small size scales (the tip of a tunnelling electron microscope) such as those used in this study, the result is instead an increase in conductivity,» explains Requist.
The soil - rich delta evolved as the result of natural conditions involving the Nile's fresh water flow and transport of sediment northward from Ethiopia, across the Sudan and Egypt to the Mediterranean.
Unlike traditional approaches to immobilize enzymes, here it is unnecessary to expose the enzymes to activity - killing reagents or conditions during the immobilization procedure because all harsh chemical synthesis conditions involved in immobilization material production were completed before introduction of the enzyme.
One of the long term goals is to identify new molecular targets for neuroprotective strategies in stroke and other conditions involving glutamate excitotoxicity.
Supportive therapy for all PID conditions involves routine preventative use of antibiotics and antifungals.
The findings could lead to new therapies for conditions involving abnormal vessel growth within the retina, such as proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
Omega - 3s can also strengthen the myelin sheaths surrounding the brain's nerve cells, which Ratnesar says can help to prevent and manage conditions involving the central nervous system.
For infants, long - term diarrhea is a serious and life - threatening condition involving dehydration and malabsorption or non-absorption of nutrients.
These are all the general bread and butter answers, but today I want to talk about the discipline of Strength And Conditioning, or more specifically some strength and conditioning involving kettlebell exercises that are essential for your MMA, Combat, and Military athleticism.
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