Sentences with phrase «conduct committee»

«It's too easy to become a realtor in British Columbia, so the level of compliance is going to be a problem,» says Keith Roy, a real estate agent who also sits on the professional - conduct committee of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV), the member - based association that represents licensed real estate agents in the area.
The complaint was first considered by Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada Chief Justice Edmond Blanchard, vice chairman of the CJC's judicial conduct committee.
Privileges and conduct committee gives out stiffest penalty available but there are calls for his permanent expulsion
The state commissioner for health, Dr. Dominic Ukpong, while conducting the committee members round the facility told the committee that the consultant - Cardio Medical Services (CMS), had terminated their contract with the state government and shut down the hospital.
The Senate has already indicated (through a pre-study report by the Standing Committee on Legal and constitutional Affairs and comments made to the media by numerous Senators), that it will not be willing or able to conduct its Committee process and then consideration by the full Senate by the June 6th deadline (the date on which the Supreme Court of Canada's Carter 2016 extension on the suspension of the declaration of invalidity expires).
The inquiry, which began with a hearing in May 2012 has been dogged by delays brought on by numerous judicial reviews and resignations, including that of the entire conduct committee last fall and the committee's independent counsel Guy Pratte in August 2012.
Public and Regulatory: Paul has presented disciplinary charges in conduct committee hearings on behalf of the British Psychological Society, including in its case against Colin Stagg arising out of the murder of Rachel Nickell; has been a sometime legal advisor to the General Teaching Council; and has advised in various professional disciplinary matters.
The vice chairman of the council's conduct committee later sent the matter to a review panel, which in February 2014 ordered a full hearing.
[362] The court further noted that the disciplinary process against Dr. Wang changed; it evolved from a code of conduct committee investigating a particular complaint relating to specific confidentiality issues to a special committee generally investigating, without a complaint, the conduct of Dr. Wang in her capacity as director and officer.
Daniel Burton, a spokesperson for the Utah attorney general's office, said that even though the claims against Roberts were dismissed, they were pleased with a footnote in the final memo from the judicial conduct committee that said that Roberts» retirement didn't preclude any review of complaints against him.
If you are on a conduct committee, invite the counselor to the deliberations, and afterwards say to your colleagues: «Do you really think chastity advice is off the table?»
«We believe that, since being given the title of honorary president, you have put all your efforts into trying to cause disunity by deliberately fabricating a state of crisis,» a conduct committee told its former leader.
And secondly that, as the chairman of committees - which includes, but is not limited to, the privileges and conduct committee - he is not abiding by the standards of the system over which he himself presides.
The cross-party standards of conduct committee is considering a report on the matter written by the Standards Commissioner Sir Roderick Evans.
All this from a man who was the public face of probity in the second chamber — he was chair of the privileges and conduct committee, which rules on disciplinary matters and can recommend the suspension of peers.
Yesterday morning Sewel resigned as chairman of the privileges and conduct committee and as deputy speaker.
A second petition filed in November 2003 resulted in his disbarment and a second order to reimburse the conduct committee for the investigation and prosecution.
The judicial conduct committee's memo was released on Thursday, along with the 10th Circuit council's original order from July.
A conduct committee of the LSUC issued its decision holding that Joe Groia was guilty of professional misconduct for incivility.
Campus liaison for the district conduct committee, went to monthly meetings and took the information back to the school conduct committee, and helped make school decisions based on the information
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