Sentences with phrase «conduct of the proceeding»

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the registrar may allow fees, charges and disbursements for the following services, even if unnecessary for the proper conduct of the proceeding or business to which they relate:
[39] It would seem, therefore, that amounts disbursed for Quicklaw services, courier services, stationary and postage may be recoverable under Tariff item 35 if the service or expense is «reasonably necessary for the conduct of the proceeding», the amount is reasonable and has been charged to the client, and the disbursement does not fall within standard office overhead.
The New Code has significantly limited the traditional leeway granted to counsel in the conduct of a proceeding.
We have an agreement on the conduct of the proceeding, which includes an IFE (initial flirtatious encounter) this evening.
[7] In my view, applying the reasons of the BCCA in MacKenzie v. Rogalasky, supra, the cost of insurance coverage is not a proper or necessary disbursement incurred in the conduct of the proceeding.
In my view, quite apart from the language «incurred in the conduct of the proceeding» the term «disbursement», when used in the context of a costs rule that relates to the taxation of costs in particular litigation, does contain limits that narrow its potential broad applicability.
The phrase «necessarily or properly incurred in the conduct of the proceeding» was recently addressed by the Court of Appeal in MacKenzie v. Rogalasky, 2014 BCCA 446.
Rule 14 - 1 (5)(a) of the British Columbia Supreme Court Civil Rules states that a registrar must determine which disbursements have been necessarily or properly incurred in the conduct of the proceeding.
Similar to FSCO pre-hearings, case conference arbitrators will have the authority to grant any Order that is considered proper for the conduct of the proceeding.
[79] The rule, in its current form, permits the recovery of «disbursements... incurred in the conduct of the proceeding».
[6] In British Columbia, to be recoverable as a disbursement SCCR 14 - 1 (5) provides that the disbursement must have been necessarily or properly incurred in the conduct of the proceeding.
In addition, I am of the view that it would be rather presumptuous and inappropriate of this Court to attempt to impose conditions on the Alberta court's conduct of this proceeding, particularly when it is that court, not this one, which has jurisdiction over this proceeding.
In the case at bar, the Court cited the well known British Columbia Court of Appeal case of MacKenzie v. Rogalasky for judicial consideration of the meaning of necessarily or properly incurred in the conduct of the proceeding.
An IPR proceeding is a two - step process: the Director's decision whether to institute a proceeding, followed (if the proceeding is instituted) by the Board's conduct of the proceeding and decision with respect to patentability.
Hearing costs — regulatory body disbursements: Under the B.C. Supreme Civil Rules, an assessment of costs provides for a «reasonable amount» for disbursements which have been «necessarily or properly incurred in the conduct of the proceeding»: Rule 14 - 1 (5).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a party to an arbitration proceeding may appeal to the Board of Directors only with respect to such alleged irregularities occurring in the conduct of the proceeding as may have deprived the party of fundamental «due process.»
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