Sentences with phrase «confession booth»

This game is unheimlich, portraying intimate spaces that are not quite sterile waiting rooms or tricked out lairs, not quite latticed confession booths or elegant greenhouses.
I'm reminded of the chapter in Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz in which he and his friends set up a confession booth at Reed College.
Claibrone's heartfelt apology reminded me a little of Donald Miller's story of the «confession booth,» recounted in Blue Like Jazz, in which Miller and a group of young Christians apologized to their Reed College classmates for everything from the Crusades to televangelists.
Their scenes together, often unfolding in close quarters (including a confession booth) form the heart of the movie as the priest gradually starts to come around; few other developments contain the same gentle portrait of opposing perspectives.
The priest is Father Lavelle (Brendan Gleeson), and he appears in almost every scene of the film, beginning with its first one: a single take close - up of Lavelle in his confession booth, listening intently as some unseen person relates the trauma he suffered at the hands of another holy man.
No, really, he promised his wife he would quit, and his tobacco guilt is just one of the issues that makes a regular in the confession booth.
Shortly after, the boy once again enters the confession booth, telling Godard that the previous confession was a practical joke, but this time he's really gone and done it.
The film's depictions of and attitudes toward Malkina's sexual appetites, from her teasing of a Catholic priest (Edgar Ramirez) in a confession booth to the film's infamous car windshield moment, feel old - fashioned or outright confused, if not at points bordering on misogynistic.
Starting with a confession booth threat by a mysterious man threatening to kill a priest (Brendan Gleeson) seven days hence, Calvary only grows more intriguing and deeply introspective from there.
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