Sentences with phrase «confident expectation»

For the early Christians, on the other hand, it was what God had done in Jesus» resurrection that opened them to God in confident expectation of what God would do.
According to the Scriptures, a human life shaped by the promise of divine justice is one in which we are liberated to walk boldly with our heads held high, with no need to look back, and with confident expectation of a glorious future.
Earnest Desire will bring about Confident Expectation, and this in turn must be reinforced by Firm Demand.»
The Christian and the Jew alike wait with confident expectation for that day when the wolf shall lie down with the lamb.
The word is translated «the joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation.»
Rather, I found myself attracted to the searching study of the actual world of human experience and of the Christian tradition in the confident expectation of retrieving there the evidence of God's action that I assumed to be constitutive of all finite reality.
The Greek word for «hope» (Greek: elpis) is a certain or confident expectation, not a «I wish and dream it might possibly come true» (See Vine's Expository Dictionary, p. 311).
This guarantee, however, transforms a confident expectation into a determinate fact, whether that fact be regarded as present or future.
Yet the theist is sustained by his confident expectation that if we as creatures all have faith in God, that is, if all rely upon his guidance (given in the initial aim of each occasion), trusting him sufficiently to actualize the good which he proposes as novel possibility, then the good will triumph.
The confident expectation of a lot of your writers is that the creation process will eventually be made plain by science.
Elsewhere, Osborne repeated the same set of policies we've heard from him before, with the confident expectation they would produce different results.
A democratic shift on the Arab side is a precondition to genuine peace with Israel, wrote Netanyahu, in the confident expectation that such a shift is beyond the realm of possibility.
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