Sentences with phrase «confident in a positive outcome»

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We know that these methods can result in a humiliated, embarrassed, isolated, externally rewarded, and defeated child and will not lead to the kinds of positive outcomes we are ultimately seeking — a confident, internally motivated, emotionally balanced, and secure child and teenager.
Staff are increasingly confident in their ability to show clear evidence of technology having a positive impact on a variety of pupil outcomes including attitude, motivation, engagement, behaviour, attendance and attainment.
Cohen concluded, «We feel confident that these new guidelines will have positive outcomes for everyone — students, teachers, and administrators — and will allow us to continue to move forward to improve the educational opportunities for all public school students in Connecticut.»
Of the impending sale of Waterstone's, Myers told Publishing Perspectives on Tuesday before the announcement, «It's quite unsettling having it played out in public, but I'm confident of a positive outcome for the chain.»
It is imperative to find somebody who is serious about what they are doing, has the credentials, and is confident in their ability to generate a positive outcome.
Having over 12 years of experience in providing both business operational and administrative support to 3 organizations that are held in high esteem due to their flawless administrative processes, I am confident that adding me to your team will ensure a positive outcome for your organization.
Preliminary results indicate that teachers and students report positive outcomes in relation to new knowledge and skills that students feel confident they can use in the future.
Outcomes are positive for most children living in family and friends care, and considerably better than for children in unrelated foster care, e.g. the children are more securely attached to their carers, feel that they belong with their carers, and are confident they will be staying.
«We are confident that this investment will result in positive outcomes for our client.»
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