Sentences with phrase «confine electromagnetic energy»

Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash.
«New theory leads to «radiationless revolution»: Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash.»

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Among the electromagnetic metamaterials, the above - mentioned ENZ ones make it possible to achieve the super coupling of the light, the tunnel effect and the confining of energy in tiny spaces.
There has to be some sort of inhomogeneity, such as free surface, cloud droplet, dust particle or abrupt change of refractive index, for the energy in the intercepted electromagnetic radiation to reappear in the form of translational motion (i.e. heat) rather than being confined to vibrational and rotation modes.
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