Sentences with phrase «confinement of a crate»

Note: Some dogs will not accept the confinement of a crate due to age or previous traumatic experiences.
Rather than being cruel, many dogs actually find the confinement of a crate comforting and secure.

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The effort to go cage - free got a big boost at the beginning of 2014, when California officially enacted a proposition to essentially abolish the close confinement of farm animals in cages and crates.
For the past 10 years, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has focused on bringing an end to the confinement of farm animals, mainly pigs and young cows (future veal) who are kept in crates without room to turn around, and the egg - laying hens kept in cages too small to spread their wings.
The measure bans the intensive confinement of breeding pigs and veal calves in tiny crates on corporate factory farms, where the animals can not turn around or stretch their limbs.
Nine U.S. states and the European Union have passed laws to ban the continual gestation crate confinement of breeding pigs, while many family farmers have been raising pigs without the use of gestation crates for generations.
«Smithfield's original timetable for its phase - out of gestation crates was already very lengthy, given the prolonged suffering that the animals endure in these extreme confinement systems,» said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS.
The animals engaged in stereotypic behaviors such as biting the bars of crates, indicating poor well - being in the extreme confinement conditions.
Maine Becomes 6th State to Ban Extreme Confinement of Animals in Small Crates and Cages on Factory Farms
In a landslide 2008 vote, nearly 64 percent of California voters passed the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act, phasing out battery cage, gestation crate, and veal crate confinement statewide.
This industry titan's decision to eliminate the perpetual confinement of breeding pigs inside small cages from their supply chain reinforces the food industry's view of gestation crates as unsustainable and inhumane.»
Through online petitions created by The Humane Society of the United States and consumer advocacy organization SumOfUs, a quarter million people have urged Tyson Foods, the world's second - largest meat processor and major pork supplier, to develop plans for ending the use of gestation crate confinement of pigs in its supply chain.
«It is also time for Tyson to join so many other major food industry companies and make a commitment to ending the confinement of sows in gestation crates,» adds Pacelle.
The HSUS is urging Tyson Foods to join its competitors in the pork industry and commit to phasing out the extreme confinement of breeding pigs in gestation crates.
The Humane Society of the United States welcomes the announcement by Costco — the nation's second - largest food retailer — that the chain is calling on its pork suppliers to eliminate their confinement of pigs in gestation crates by 2022.
Nine U.S. states and the European Union have passed laws to ban the gestation crate confinement of breeding pigs.
The Humane Society of the United States applauds Kroger, the country's largest grocery chain with 2,435 locations in 31 states, for calling on its pork suppliers to accelerate the elimination of gestation crate pig confinement.
The Retail Council of Canada announced that all eight of the largest Canadian supermarket chains — Walmart Canada, Costco Canada, Metro, Loblaw, Safeway Canada, Federated Co-operatives, Sobeys and Co-op Atlantic — will move away from gestation crate confinement of pigs in their supply systems over the next nine years.
We're driving the campaign to end the intensive confinement of farm animals in crates and cages so small they can't even turn around.
The ideal setup for such a small dog would be a crate (for short - term confinement) placed inside of a puppy pen (for long - term confinement).
Impulse control: sit to get the leash on / off, sit and wait for food, sit to come out of crate or confinement... and so on.
For instance, Richell USA Inc. is well - known as a supplier of crates, gateways and confinement of all kinds.
The confinement to a small area or a pen in combination with confinement to a crate works the best of all.
For long term confinement, he suggests an x-pen with a crate inside (door open), an appropriate chew toy stuffed with kibble or treats, a bowl of water, and a (temporary) toilet area at the opposite end from the crate.
Have your pet's own bed, food bowls, leash and crate or area of happy confinement set up before they come to you.
Always use a confinement area other than a crate if there is any doubt about the length of time you're leaving your dog without a chance to get out to potty.
Used properly, crate time can help your puppy learn it's safe to be alone for reasonable periods of time, and that confinement is nothing to fear.
Dogs in this class must be capable of quietly handling confinement crated away from their handlers or in a properly equipped vehicle.
In some cases, this method of housetraining is used while the puppy is young and then crate training is used when the puppy is old enough to handle longer periods of confinement in the crate.
The crate, or kennel, is an important dog training tool as well as a safe means of confinement.
If you still can't face the idea of a crate, at the very least consider some sort of confinement to a dog - proofed part of your home.
Dogs must be capable of handling confinement during the class, either crated away from their handlers or in a safe, secure, well - ventilated vehicle.
Once your dog is comfortable going in and out of the crate, it is time to start getting him used to confinement.
It is important to choose a crate of appropriate size and adjust confinement times as the dog matures in order to build long term success.
Apart from its obvious uses for transporting dogs by car or plane, a crate may be used for short - term confinement when you can not supervise your puppydog — to keep him out of mischief and prevent him from making housesoiling, destructive chewing, and digging mistakes.
If you're training your dog using another confinement method, such as a small room or an exercise pen, you can still use the methods outlined in this article to work on his barking problem (with the exception of the earthquake correction, which can only be done if your dog is in a crate).
Crating or confinement can and should be part of a daily routine — but it can't be the entire daily routine!
When leaving the puppy in his long - term confinement area, tie the stuffed chewtoys to the inside of the crate and leave the crate door open.
Participants lobbied in support of H.B. 6317, which ban the inhumane confinement of breeding pigs in gestation crates, and H.B. 5027, which requires minimum standards of care for dogs in large - scale puppy mills and prevents the sale of dogs from breeding operations that do not meet those standards.
When you're indoors and unable to do any of those things (overnight or when you can't supervise him), he can stay in his crate or confinement area.
It could be a lack of exposure to it (or any confinement), or a negative association with it in the past (being crated too long, or shoved in there angrily as punishment, among other things).
(Be sure to learn how to use a crate humanely as a method of confinement.)
Until your pet can be trusted on its own, confinement to a crate or small «pet - proofed» room can save you a lot in the way of destroyed objects.
This method may be applied as an alternative to overnight crate confinement or isolation in another part of your home.
If your dog is new to your home or totally unhousebroken, you'll most likely use a crate (the type of kennel used for airline transport) as his confinement area.
A slow introduction to their new living situation by way of confinement (in a secure stall, tack room, large dog crate, etc.) will allow them to get accustomed to the sounds, smells and routine activity of their new home.
An airline shipping crate or wire crate provides guaranteed confinement of your puppy for reasons of security, safety, travel, and housetraining.
When you are at home but can not pay full attention to your puppy, confine her to a small, short term confinement area (doggy den or dog crate) with a couple of stuffed chew toys.
For some, the behavior stems from early excessive confinement (in a crate or larger enclosure, or even in an outdoor penned area) combined with lack of enrichment, where eating feces developed due to hunger, boredom, anxiety, or instincts toward maintaining a clean den.
In other words, dogs have a much different understanding of confinement than we do, so they come to view the crate in a very positive way.
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