Sentences with phrase «confirmatory bias»

Confirmatory bias refers to the tendency of people to search for or interpret information in a way that supports their existing beliefs or expectations. It means we often favor or seek out evidence that confirms what we already think, rather than considering all the available information objectively. Full definition
Due primarily to the way we are wired neurologically, when we hear disturbing things about someone that we may even know well, the phenomenon of confirmatory bias tends to cause us to give weight to these disturbing things if that person's behavior in any way endorses what we have been told.
But how can I be sure that I'm not blinded by confirmatory bias and that I don't unwittingly mislead my audience?
Don't forget the «believe and you'll get the evidence» bullshit believers tend to pull (confirmatory bias anyone?).
The history of nutritional theory is absolutely beset with confirmatory bias.
Just Google «Gardner Diet Study» and see how a devout vegetarian overcomes any potential confirmatory bias through robust, transparent experimental design - hint the Atkins Diet wins by a large margin.
This is because one is far more likely to be accurate and form opinions free from various cognitive biases (such as confirmatory bias) when looking at converging data rather than a single data point since unitary data points are far more likely to result in inaccurate and biased inferences and conclusions.
Talk about ethics, bias, and confirmatory bias comes up time and time again in therapists» discussion and during training.
We recognize the invisible and invasive effects of confirmatory bias.
«I think confirmatory thinking (confirmatory bias) is the most common, and impactful, bias that we have uncovered,» said Payne.
And here's the confirmatory bias.
LOL talk about circular reasoning and confirmatory bias.
He makes it up, same with attempting to pass off theistic evolution as something scientific instead of confirmatory bias.
In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.
Nothing more than an understanding of the scientific approach and a hopefully less of a «confirmatory bias» than the people in the industry.
... Usually we are prone to only look for the information that happens to agree with us (confirmatory bias), etc..
Confirmation bias, also known as myside bias or confirmatory bias, is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to favor information that confirms their preconceived notions despite any and all evidence to the contrary.
The phenomenon of «confirmatory bias» comes into play here.
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