Sentences with phrase «confirmed by other sources»

However, this bid hasn't yet been confirmed by other sources.

Not exact matches

This confirms what sources close to the company have been saying for some time, which is that it is de-emphasizing Medium's in - house publications and focusing on hosting content produced by other publishers.
ORIGINAL REQUEST: Account / wallet / vault registration records for each account / wallet / vault owned or controlled by the user during the period stated above including, but not limited to, complete user profile, history of changes to user profile from account inception, complete user preferences, complete user security settings and history (including confirmed devices and account activity), complete user payment methods, and any other information related to the funding sources for the account / wallet / vault, regardless of date.
Most of the information she discusses has been confirmed by several other sources including the World Trade Center being rigged with thermate explosives.
Indeed, for a while Houston and other districts were having real trouble sourcing any fresh fruit at all, from any part of the country, due to the higher demand created by the new school food regulations, which resulted in USDA actually canceling confirmed orders for commodity fresh fruit.
Two additional births resulting in deaths were identified from other sources; these were confirmed by state perinatal data collections.
Attorneys working for Bharara, who is also probing two of Mayor Bill de Blasio's campaign donors in an unrelated case, attended a recent meeting about the deed restriction change with staff from other investigating agencies, according to a source with knowledge of the meeting and confirmed by two other sources.
Our source confirms that it is indeed a ruthless intimidation tactic set in motion by none other than Rory Lancman himself who is looking for a round 2 after drudging up dirt on Gottlieb, the other jewish candidate, which shamed him out of the race.
However, sources tell ScienceInsider that several prominent scientists and nuclear policy heavyweights rejected the Administration's overtures, and that other candidates were thought to carry too much political baggage to be confirmed by the Senate.
As the booster cable wasn't plugged to any power source at the other end, does it confirm the problem is linked to a loose battery terminal connection (fixed by the charger cable clamp) or could it be something else?
-- fast - paced and combo - centric — fighting involves meleeing, kicking and shooting — dodge attacks and activate Witch Time — Torture Attacks return — new Torture Attack featurs a pair of grinders and a fatality — Umbral Climax meter is charged by successful combos — this turns regular attacks into enormous, screen - sized strikes — send enemies flying with giant, floating fists and feet made from hair — still leaves Bayonetta in very revealing \» outfits \» after these attacks — on location is the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city — you \'re being chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels — appearance from Jeanne confirmed — features off - TV play — \» Touch \» mode allows players to control Bayonetta using the GamePad \'s touchscreen [Source: Gonintendo]
Also in the news page Vice Gaming said that they can confirm that the same information was heard by multiple other sources, the excerpt is the following:
Since then, several other anonymous sources (one of which was confirmed by the press) have confirmed the existence of the game so there certainly seems to be some truth to the game's development status.
Jones and the committee say that the graphs have been confirmed by other independent sources, which all sounds fine until you look closely.
The study confirmed the finding that the environment not shared by siblings was by far the largest (in many cases, the sole) nongenetic contributor to the adolescents» behavior and adjustment, but it eliminated all of the following as possible sources of nonshared environmental influence: «differential marital conflict about the adolescent versus the sib, differential parenting toward siblings, and asymmetrical relationships the sibs construct with each other» (Reiss, 2000, p. 407).
This template is «inside intel» that has been shared with me by a very reliable inside source, confirmed by other inside sources, which I have put through the test time and time again.
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