Sentences with phrase «confirmed diagnosis of»

The sample consisted of women with a medically confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis who received treatment at the participating clinic.
Critical illness insurance (also referred to as catastrophic illness insurance) pays a lump sum cash benefit upon the first confirmed diagnosis of a covered illness, such as heart attack, stroke, cancer or HIV / AIDS.
If your doctor has confirmed a diagnosis of cerebral palsy due to a birth injury, you and your family may be entitled to compensation.
Dogs that have clinical signs and a confirmed diagnosis of DM have tested as genetically affected.
Dogs with a biopsy - confirmed diagnosis of cancer affecting the nasal cavity (carcinoma or sarcoma), stages I - III may be eligible to participate in this study.
At this point, all dogs that have been studied with a confirmed diagnosis of DM have had this test result.
She was presented to our Oncology department at VRCC in May of 2009, with a biopsy confirmed diagnosis of an aggressive sweat gland tumor (anaplastic apocrine gland adenocarcinoma) of the skin of the right chest wall.
When dogs come to see Dr. Bessent with a confirmed diagnosis of DM, she likes to use a prescription strength herbal blend called Morinda Hindend Support.
Three days later, a blood test confirmed the diagnosis of coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever).
Transmission electron microscopy analysis of sampled ciliated cells and of ciliated cells after ciliogenesis confirmed the diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Prognosis for pets with a confirmed diagnosis of FAD is good if there is effective client compliance and flea bites are prevented.
A biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma.
If your veterinarian has confirmed the diagnosis of cancer in your pet, have he or she call our hospital and discuss your pet's case with the Radiation Oncologist.
Finally, Hannibal's tumor sample made it to Breen's lab at NC State, where a genomic test and pathology report confirmed a diagnosis of T cell lymphoma.
I have never had a cat survive long after a confirmed the diagnosis of FIP.
This project depends upon our ability to obtain DNA - containing specimens from at least 25 dogs with a confirmed diagnosis of sebaceous adenitis, in addition to specimens from unaffected dogs, preferably healthy close relatives.
Diagnostic testing confirmed the diagnosis of stage IVb, B cell lymphoma.
Diagnostic testing confirmed the diagnosis of a B cell lymphoma so -LSB-...]
Pancho was presented to our VRCC Oncology department in September 2009 with a biopsy confirmed diagnosis of T cell lymphoma.
Dr. Ringen performed staging test that confirmed the diagnosis of -LSB-...]
Additional staging tests confirmed the diagnosis of B - cell lymphoma so treatment with a multidrug chemotherapy protocol was initiated.
Sweet Pea was presented to our Oncology department at VRCC in November 2010 with a biopsy confirmed diagnosis of lymphoma affecting the intestinal tract and surrounding lymph nodes.
We are starting 2013 with Gambler, a 9 year old neutered male Australian Cattle dog, who was presented to our Oncology department at VRCC in early April 2011, with a biopsy confirmed diagnosis of an plasma cell tumor of the right lower jaw.
Diagnostic testing confirmed the diagnosis of multiple myeloma affecting her liver, spleen and bone marrow.
After a couple of long agonizing weeks, the ERG confirmed the diagnosis of PRA.
Forty - nine dogs with a confirmed diagnosis of chronic intestinal disease (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, inflammatory bowel disease, bacterial overgrowth, acute or chronic gastritis) were fed a diet containing a high concentration of fat (> 20 % on a dry matter basis)[12,13,15,17].
When your veterinarian has confirmed a diagnosis of kidney disease, he will discuss treatment options.
Participation Requirements: Dogs must have a confirmed diagnosis of Sebaceous Adenitis in addition to normal parents or siblings.
She had seen many rheumatologists and specialists over the years with a confirmed diagnosis of Lupus.
They confirmed the diagnosis of pancreatitis; gave him some antibiotics, gave him some fluids.
Histologically confirmed diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Molecular analyses of the chest sample in a previous study confirmed the diagnosis of tuberculosis and hinted that TB DNA was extremely well preserved in her body.
To answer this question, he and colleagues — including Dr. Chason's mentor, Roberta L. DeBiasi, M.D., M.S., chief of Children's Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases — looked at data in the electronic medical records of 79 children who were admitted to Children's main hospital with a laboratory - confirmed diagnosis of Lyme disease from June 2008 to May 2015.
Patients who have a confirmed diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency should undergo glucocorticoid replacement therapy — typically with hydrocortisone (cortisol), the glucocorticoid hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands.
She believes a confirmed diagnosis of sleepwalking would make a strong defence in court, but says better tests are needed to establish who has a genuine sleep disorder.
Records of women with and without a confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis were cross-linked to their maternity records to evaluate pregnancy outcomes.
Still, many psychiatrists insist antipsychotics shouldn't be given without a confirmed diagnosis of a psychotic disorder.
To illustrate that point, they analyzed a series of 95 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of brain tumor at their department.
EI serves children from birth through 2 years of age and their families where there is a high risk of delay, a suspected delay in development, or a confirmed diagnosis of developmental disability.
IHCPs should be written by the school nurse in collaboration with the student, family, educators, and healthcare care providers.2 Every student with a confirmed diagnosis of food allergy and medical orders should have an IHCP.3
Certainly, dentists need to confirm the diagnosis of cavities and other issues and play an integral role in the health of their patients, but they are helped greatly by the 30 or 45 minutes that a dental hygienist spends assessing someone's oral hygiene.
MRI is rarely necessary to confirm the diagnosis of LLE or LLS unless there are concerns for other injuries.
Your physician will want to be sure of the answer before confirming a diagnosis of pregnancy loss.
If a child continues to respond poorly to treatment, then a reevaluation might be necessary to confirm the diagnosis of ADHD or look for coexisting conditions, such as oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities.
As national awareness and confirmed diagnoses of Lyme disease grows, Discover magazine is releasing a sustained, deep investigation of the science and politics surrounding the disease.
All of the mothers had confirmed diagnoses of preeclampsia.
1) Confirming the diagnosis of SMA 2) Managing breathing 3) Managing eating and nutrition 4) Managing movement and daily activities 5) Preparing for illness
Biopsy, samples removed from the tumor and examined to confirm diagnosis of a specific type of tumor
If any of these tests show elevated antibodies, a biopsy should also be performed to confirm the diagnosis of celiac disease.
An A1C level of 6.5 percent or higher on several tests can confirm a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes.
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