Sentences with phrase «confirmed hunches»

In many ways it confirmed hunches I had about my ideas, life, and potential memoir, but also offered plenty I hadn't thought of.
Jeep CEO Mike Manley confirmed our hunches in January of 2016, announcing that the supercharged Jeep would arrive on the market in 2017.
Further confirming this hunch is the list of the Top 10 Most Viewed Recipes on my sidebar; just crank your eyes over a few inches to the right and take a gander at that feature.
Its what lead me to the addition of allspice in the bread, and confirmed my hunch of the other flavors working in unison with one another.
I'm not wasting much time on Lords reform, which has excited so much media interest, largely because the very public feuding between coalition factions, peers and the Labour party in recent days confirm the hunch that it isn't going to get far, doesn't deserve to do so, and that most voters won't notice or care.
Light from the collision directly confirmed this hunch for the first time.
The study confirms the hunch of many environmental economists that the costs of economic growth have outweighed its benefits for several decades.
Then in 1998, French molecular biologist Danielle Postic confirmed their hunch.
Then 50 years later we found a trail of artifacts from that rock to the rest of the site, confirming his hunch.
Lyubomirsky therefore confirmed her hunch that timing is important.
He looks forward to learning whether the inhabitants of the deep cores confirm his hunch.
Their chemical analysis of the statue confirmed the hunch.
Experiments confirmed this hunch.
David Julius and Sven - Eric Jordt of the University of California, San Francisco, have confirmed this hunch.
Until this summer, however, no one could mathematically confirm the hunch.
To confirm their hunch, the researchers prevented BMP signaling, which resulted in fewer iPSCs being generated from FOP patients» cells.
Some additional experiments in cells confirmed their hunch about the physical interaction between the TDP - 43 and SCA2 proteins, but the scientists wondered whether their discovery is applicable to humans, considering they discovered it in yeast cells.
She raised the issue with her therapist, who soon confirmed her hunch.
To confirm their hunch, they sent samples of Donna's cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minn..
Lab tests are performed to confirm the hunch.
This statistic confirms my hunch: People love video and given the choice to learn by watching rather than reading, most of us will go with the screen.
Dr. Padgett also confirmed a hunch I have had for a long time: That clubs that actively pursue getting a handle on the health of their breed by doing comprehensive health surveys will always have a higher number of genetic defects identified, and that number will always be higher than what was previously assumed.

Not exact matches

The research report confirmed Donna Kane's hunch: there was a market for her livestock products in Germany.
At least this is my hunch, an impression based on my own contact with church members but confirmed by what others are saying, writing, and feeling.
Census data seem to confirm Prindville's hunch.
Tests later confirmed Miller's and Bada's hunch.
In fact, it's probably a relief when the entire world stops gaslighting kids and they finally get their hunches confirmed.
Within a day, Nundy's hunch was confirmed.
I've looked at enough rocks by now to confirm my early hunch: I've been exploring an ancient streambed.
Calculations based on those detections confirmed scientists» hunch that unfathomably large numbers of neutrinos are released after a star's core collapses in a supernova.
His own hunch is that the running hypothesis is correct, but it will take decades of scientific squabbling to confirm it.
Finch's ideas about senescence from his grad school days have also held up: The popularity of the Hayflick model has declined as other research questioned its relevance to aging in whole organisms, and recent studies in long - lived nematodes have confirmed Finch's hunch that brain hormones control aging (see Johnson Review).
For Evans, collecting data has always been a way to keep tabs on his habits, track his goals, and confirm or dispel hunches about his daily existence.
As part of the team who showed that the universe is expanding ever faster, Perlmutter had defeated his own instincts and confirmed Krauss's hunch that «nothing» is not quite what it seems.
But they also confirm Lugli's hunch: Napoleon drastically slimmed down during the last six months of his life, shedding almost five inches from his waist and about 20 to 30 pounds.
A new study out today in PLOS ONE confirms that hunch.
HUNCH confirmed: mammals spent their first 100 million years in the dark, and only came out in the day when the dinosaurs disappeared.
The recent discovery confirms both hunches.
The DNA analysis confirmed the researchers» hunches.
My hunch is confirmed when I notice vegetable oil available by the gallon on the list of commodities.
Learning how to read a tarot deck can help you weigh options, identify unseen opportunities, avoid pitfalls, and confirm that your «hunches» are correct.
It wasn't just a hunch or the secret profile you created to confirm what you already saw.
On the other hand, some in the financial world believe that intuition can be useful to identify a good buy, but I don't believe there are any investors claiming to make decisions without thoroughly conducting the necessary research to confirm that their thinking is more than just a hunch.
I had a hunch that the numbers and percentages you'd cited were the case, but your research confirms it.
Our hunch had been confirmed after asking Tar (owner of KL house) whom they offered island tours.
It looks like the initial hunches were on the money, as Warner Bros. has confirmed to Joystiq that F.E.A.R. 3 will be waiting to appear above ladders «sometime in 2011».
Hmmmm this is just a hunch but if Rayman is confirmed then maybe that missing stage on the 3ds version is reserved for a Rayman stage.....
[This hunch was confirmed in 2004 when a new analysis of the data showed that the mid levels had in fact been warming much as predicted.»
We have a hunch Samsung will incorporate the best elements of the Note 8's camera into the S9, and while there's no way to confirm this yet, it's clear the camera is the highlight of the phone.
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