Sentences with phrase «confirmed laboratory science»

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Second, Science will require that the senior author for each laboratory or group confirm that he or she has personally reviewed the original data generated by that unit, ascertaining that the data selected for publication in specific figures and tables have been appropriately presented.
If we confirm the plumes in another archival image, it could tell us how long they have been active, says Andrew Coates, a Cassini scientist at University College London's Mullard Space Science Laboratory.
Analytical tests from Vanderbilt's Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Nashville, TN, as well as the University of New Mexico's Center for High Technology Materials in Albuquerque, NM and Los Alamos National Laboratory's Nanotechnology and Advanced Spectroscopy Team ( confirmed that the final products had the desired shape, composition and behavior by analyzing individual quantum dots at the atomic level.
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