Sentences with phrase «conflict areas»

"Conflict areas" refers to geographical regions or locations where violent or hostile conflicts are occurring or have occurred. It typically implies areas marked by warfare, civil unrest, or political instability, where opposing groups or forces are engaged in fighting or disputes. Full definition
There are today 28 million primary school - age children, and as many or more young people, living in conflict areas and denied the chance to learn.
Child support, alimony, and the equitable distribution of property are high - conflict areas of divorce but are well suited for resolution in mediation.
This is meant to make sure that the import / export of rough diamonds are not from conflict areas.
Contracts are being amended to include «rules of engagement» for dealing with potential conflict areas as they arise.
That will make it good for monitoring fast - changing issues like refugees leaving conflict areas, or deforestation, he says.
It's rare that a game can hit the mark in so many different and often conflicting areas.
The funding is in recognition that globally, over 130 million girls are not in school, and in conflict areas girls are over twice as likely to be out of school.
Aside from completing missions you can also venture into the Global Conflict area or do a wide range of side activities within the city.
Imagine the conversations / arguments / fights you have about conflict areas going differently.
Therefore, the exhibition focuses on the role architecture could play in developing strategies and solution to help populations living in conflict areas.
At the height of the wars, it was estimated that about 4 % of the world's diamonds were from conflict areas.
Levitsky and Way did not analyse the military dimension, an important factor given Russian troops stationed in or near conflict areas across the region.
Sean Moore, National Co-ordinator of the UK International Search and Rescue has extensive experience of responding to international disasters after deploying to Nepal and the US for Hurricane Katrina and many other conflicted areas, 11 times.
Mbubi characterized mining in conflict areas as a «free for all,» with no accountability or monitoring, much less any attempt to mitigate the environmental impacts of the mines.
«The government has restricted media access to conflict areas making it impossible to verify accounts of what is happening on the ground.
Further stressing that inclusive growth would remain a dream if powerful nations continue to put their national interests ahead of the global collective interest and that conflicts around the world continue, he undermined «As a continent, we remain committed through the AU and its Peace and Security Architecture to resolve the few remaining conflict areas
«For instance, there are huge conflict areas in sub-Saharan Africa, because it has vital wildlife habitats but a very rapidly growing human population that will need more food and more roads.»
A gifted guest speaker and inspirational teacher, Durek has worked with many diverse public figures and leading organizations in conflict areas around the world.
I doubt those working on the standards wanted to open that particular can of maggot - infested worms until after they had successfully completed the less conflicted areas of study.
On the whole, this beautiful book works as an unforgettable travelogue that delves deeply into finding connections and humanity in a routinely conflicted area, and is Delisle's best work yet.
They may be suitable in locations with width contraints and with limited conflict areas with driveways.
PAX is a Dutch peace organization working in partnership with human rights and peace NGOs in more than 20 conflict areas on a range of humanitarian disarmament issues.
The therapy itself is skills - based and is designed to help you learn and practice methods to get to know each other at a deeper level, communicate in ways that get you heard without making your partner defensive, and negotiate conflict areas that currently have you gridlocked.
In addition to the more common conflict areas, we have extensive experience working successfully with couples in these special problem areas:
Part of his work with the YPO Peace Action Network is to connect members from conflicting areas of the world in order to seek out resolution.
Further trade with potential conflict areas often ignored by Canadian economists could help stabilize and normalize relations as well.
According to the Police, Moro Sata had confessed that he gets his supplies from Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Niger and uses Ghana as a transit point to transport the ammunition to conflict areas across the sub-region.
And since diamonds aren't traceable, the only way to be sure you're not buying a diamond from Marange or any other conflict area is to not buy it.
Production of tantalum from conflict areas has since fallen by 75 per cent.
This year, business leaders worldwide rated smart water tech — technology which saves and reuses water — the biggest opportunity closely followed by knowledge for peace, which covers the opportunity of bringing digital education to conflict areas.
Donald Mavunduse, head of Tearfund's east and southern Africa team said while it's difficult to offer support within a conflict area, the charity has been able to working with partners they support on ground.
«We call for an immediate ceasefire on both sides to allow the civilians to leave the conflict area, to be monitored by international observers including the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Yolanda Foster, Amnesty International's Sri Lanka expert, said: «Blurring the distinction between civilians and combatants means that thousands of ordinary people, desperate to flee the conflict area, are at greater risk of reprisals and getting caught in the crossfire.»
The government recently announced a re-targeting of the UK overseas aid budget, which will see more money spent in conflict areas.
«This is in addition to range of other air operations and humanitarian intervention schemes aimed at winning the heart and minds of the populace in the conflict areas.
«The President seeks the support and cooperation of all citizens and the media in particular, to join hands with his administration to find permanent solutions and not to aggravate or escalate tensions in all conflict areas of the country,» Shehu said.
A 2010 US financial reform bill known as the Dodd - Frank act requires companies to carry out due diligence to ensure their metals are not sourced from conflict areas.
And because US electronics companies — the biggest buyers — are going elsewhere, the price of minerals from such conflict areas has dropped by two - thirds, making them less appealing to rebel groups as a source of funds.
The authors of the new study, recently published in the journal Nature, write that by combining these layers they have identified areas where new roads have most potential benefit, areas where road building should be avoided, and conflict areas «where potential costs and benefits are both sizable.»
The world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place with the rise of crisis zones in correlation to reduced accessibility in conflicted areas.
However in conflict areas, women and children were subject to shelling, abduction, rape and violence.
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