Sentences with phrase «conflict as a catalyst»

Our goal is to teach you one thing each day that will deepen your friendship, allow you to use conflict as a catalyst for closeness, and enhance the romance in your marriage.
By using conflict as a catalyst for closeness, couples can intentionally use problems as an opportunity to discuss their goals, fears, and dreams.
This exercise has been proven to be the most effective way to use money conflicts as a catalyst for increasing the romance, affection, and appreciation in your relationship.

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Their conflict provided the catalyst for Crosby's career as a family attorney.
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests a severe drought that began in 2006 was a catalyst for the conflict, and that climate change has made such droughts in the region more than twice as likely.
My expectations with the arrival of Valka were that we would get one of two things, either the typical conflict between Hiccup and his mother before achieving resolution or that her presence within such an amazing community of dragons would act as a catalyst for further arguments between Hiccup and Stoick, with Hiccup coveting the sort of freedom his mother has over the responsibility Stoick is expecting him to take on.
The conflict of values inherent in this situation can be seen as a catalyst for much of these artists» work.
Age of Terror takes 9/11 as its starting point; the catalyst which altered public perception of contemporary conflict.
She has worked with families with an only child to large families and has welcomed the conflict between family members as a catalyst to explore how deeply they care for each other.
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