Sentences with phrase «conflicting answers»

The public gave conflicting answers on questions about who was responsible for developing Common Core and who got to choose the Common Core materials used in schools.
This is the question that every first time dog owner asks, and probably gets conflicting answers which only make things more confusing.
I have heard conflicting answers about giving dogs ice water.
I keep hearing conflicting answers as to whether I should take my pension as a lump sum or monthly lifetime annuity payments.
The learners with the most conflicting answers are put together in a group and asked to answer the questions again.
I'm seeing very conflicting answers online about exhaust system replacements, and can't find that many threads about replacing the entire system.
Too much information, different opinions and conflicting answers makes it even more difficult for dog owners.
See this question for details, but keep in mind that there are conflicting answers on that question.
I read through the past article and through others questions on this topic, but I am getting conflicting answers.
But it's not something typically discussed in recipes, and if you Google it, there's a ton of conflicting answers on what oil smokes at what temperature.
T., it makes sense that you'd receive conflicting answers on how additional payments to principle would affect your monthly payments because there are many different ARM products.
Streak Smart recently got in touch with a couple of Dell reps whom gave conflicting answers.
Everytime you call a customer care executive you will get a different conflicting answer for this.
This question is particularly important not only because numerous conflicting answers have been given to it, but also because the different theoretical answers have been connected with divergent practical aims and actions.
Meanwhile, Mr. Felder has been murky on who he'll support for senate leadership and has given seemingly conflicting answers when directly asked.
Multiple, conflicting answers encouraged, falsifiability discouraged.
(TNS)-- Search on the web for «best time to book airfare» and you'll find many conflicting answers, all of them completely wrong — and not only are they wrong, but they do a disservice to consumers who fall for this «voodoo» airfare economics.
I asked this question a long time ago here, which was the wrong place, and got a bunch of conflicting answers from a bunch of non-lawyers.
If you asked several people what they would describe as destructive behavior in dogs, you would get conflicting answers.
However, rather than there being dozens of them running around giving conflicting answers, perhaps it might be better to consolidate and go for something akin to particle accelerators and fund fewer, larger, projects.
There seems to be a lot of conflicting answers on what you're supposed to do with dielectric grease.
Who is right and why the conflicting answers?
When there are conflicting answers, the truth may not lie in any of them, but rather in the tension between / among them.
Most diverse and conflicting answers have been given to this question, thereby showing that no answer so far can be accepted as final and complete.
When you're having problems, asking friends can give you conflicting answers.
There was confusion and conflicting answers — they said it's either 5,000 or 40,000.
Now, as noted, this is a Democratic pollster, and a different pollster framing the questions in slightly different ways might've gotten conflicting answers.
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