Sentences with phrase «conflicts over thousands of years»

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For thousands of years young men have fought and died in conflicts over religion!
Then suddenly, in the last ten thousand years — a mere 0.4 % eye blink of time — our population increased over 1000 times, we decimated the earth's stocks of non-renewable resources, we cut down over 90 % of the planet's forests, we fished her oceans to the edge of extinction, and we live in a near - constant state of conflict with each other.
Although conflicts over water resources date back thousands of years, in spite of, or perhaps because of, the essential role water plays in sustaining human civilization, the nations have found a way to cooperate in sharing and managing water resources.
He has extensive experience in workplace conflict including EEO, discrimination and employment claims, personnel matters related to discipline, hiring and promotions, and labor negotiations.Judge Karasic handled civil and criminal matters for nearly twelve years on the bench, where he presided over thousands of contract and tort cases.
Based on over 40 years of research, by John & Julie Gottman, with thousands of couples, The Art & Science of Love workshop will give you new insights and research - based skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you manage conflict in a healthy, positive way.
Based on over 40 years of research with thousands of couples, this workshop will give you new insights and research - based skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you manage conflict in a healthy, positive way.
Based on over 40 years of research with thousands of couples, the Art and Science of Love workshop will give you new insights and research - based skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you manage conflict in a healthy, positive way.
The rush to the bottom of the Realtor well of irrelevancy is well underway (pun intended) thanks to what I label as the unrecognized psychology of the self - serving communal thinking practices of Organized Real Estate top level comfortably - salaried bureaucrats (not the here today, gone next year regularly turned over faux president puppets), who, because they are in perpetual positions of conflict of interest (more dues from more registrants equals more money for their in - house empires, which thus creates more guaranteed money for them personally and thence for their underling cronies which in turn leads to a solidification of their own top jobs as well as for their underlings» jobs over whom «they» need to be seen as being in control of... which is as usual job one) do what is best for themselves first, in order to avoid becoming being viewed as being redundant in the eyes of their tax - payers... the one - hundred thousand plus Canada - wide money - supplying whether - they - know - what - they - are - doing - or - not registrants.
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