Sentences with phrase «confounding questions»

The evening will include 8 rounds of fun factoids and confounding questions, a silent auction with something for everyone and much more.
The Harvard report reignited discussions about options for students, experts say, posing confounding questions about how education systems can respond to varying student needs and desires without lowering standards, translating later into closed doors.
These are all confounding questions, and it just goes to show that Fifty Shades» true genre is mystery.
Before the big bang, every more confounding questions related to dark matter and energy.
Index mutual funds trounced actively managed mutual funds last year by the widest margin in 15 years, once again raising the confounding question: Why do so many individuals gravitate to actively managed funds when they are a proven loser?

Not exact matches

Those are questions that perplex and confound many who are deciding whether to get the degree and, if so, where to get it from.
The bigger question is — how does a great salesperson pull it off, while the same situation will confound the average salesperson?
In his case, I don't fantasize that my questions confounded him, but I'm curious what his answers would have been.
Then there is the question that confounds all parents: different parenting styles.
However, the breastfeeding - obesity link has been questioned because of several confounding factors, 1 including maternal habits during gestation and breastfeeding as well as the mother's metabolic health status (obesity and diabetes), race, and ethnicity.
Finally, to evaluate any modification of pacifier effects attributable to potential confounding factors of specific interest (eg, bottle introduction, study group assignment), both the pacifier variable and the variable in question were added to the selected «best» models.
The why question is especially confounding.
«Our first question was: «Is this a phenomenon that could be explained away by other potential confounding factors?
Why there's more matter than antimatter is one of the biggest questions confounding particle physicists and cosmologists, and it cuts to the heart of our own existence.
The researchers conclude that the entire body of research up to now has overlooked an important confounding variable, heredity, that could call into question the conventional wisdom that TV is bad for the brain.
The thing is, «chronic endurance exercise» actually does n`t seem to «reduce lifespan» — the available data suggest the opposite, in fact... (observational data corrected for confounding factors, as RCTs on this question are pretty much impossible, for obvious reasons..)
However, the question is whether DHA status is important or is it just a marker of a healthy lifestyle (as seen in people who tend to eat fish — they are typically healthier in other respects, so confounding by healthy user bias).
That's a question to confound even Doctor Strange.
Conflicting results may be due to the difficulty in performing these types of comparison studies, which can be confounded by differences in class size, cognitive level of questions, class composition, and instructor (Crossgrove and Curran 2008).
In Building A Better Teacher: How Teaching Works and How to Teach it to Everyone, journalist Elizabeth Green suggests an answer to a question that has confounded the field of education for centuries: What does it take to create an excellent teacher?
Ten minutes before students turned in this practice test, I asked everyone to come up and write on the board the two questions that most confounded them.
In order to achieve such high aspirations, we must abandon failures of the past and address the difficult, persistent questions confounding our education system: Why do children of poverty continue to struggle and experience limited success in school?
Whether value added fully levels the playing field is a question that can't be answered without more evidence on confounding and the conditions under which it is likely to occur.
Whether value - added fully levels the playing field is a question that can't be answered without more evidence on confounding and the conditions under which it is likely to occur.
The question of whether value - added measures are truly confounded probably can never be resolved completely with empirical evidence.
If that sounds glamorous, it actually means hours of social isolation in your office and confounding the well - meaning question of family and friends: «what do you do?»
That's the question that is confounding a great many authors who are self - publishing via the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program.
That's a question that confounds many a dog owner, because there's lots of conflicting advice out there.
However, an earnest question that usually confound travelers while deciding to travel by these trains, is which one to choose.
Among the great questions of our time, one of the most confounding is just when exactly is Capcom going to get...
Among the great questions of our time, one of the most confounding is just when exactly is Capcom going to get around to that remake of Resident Evil 2.
Using both confounding and comical imagery, the work presented compels the audience to question their own notional truth.
During her residency at CCS Bard, Christel will be working on her research concerning questions of art and curating as alternative sites for knowledge production, as well as teaching a series of seminars in which she will zoom in on the strategies artists and cultural producers have applied over the years to counter or confound established ideas and systems of knowledge.
Recent works include: Bobby Niven's «Bothy Project» whereby he has created perfectly realised spaces for other artists to work and live in; Aaron Williamson's anarchic performance art often displays a politicised and progressive sensibility towards disability and is typically presented to an unsuspecting public as with his current «Demonstrating the World» mobile stage set; Ruth Ewan explores how the past connects to the present, with her recent creation of the French Republican Calendar allowing a beautifully constructed reframing of our daily lives; Henry Coleman pushes the boundaries and subverts the norm by creating very public, sculptural artworks in the heart of the city, including the 2015 Royal Academy installation «A Greater Order», that both question and confound.
Customized caution tape by Brendan Fernandes confounds an administrative mechanism, provoking questions about the language of authority and assumptions about borders and boundaries.
As Shonibare proves, documentary is not the only way to question history and confound expectation.
Simultaneously confounding and illuminating, The Intuitionists at the Drawing Center is a puzzle within a puzzle, a conceptual stunt that raises sticky questions about curatorial responsibility and the structuring of aesthetic experience.
Confounding this dilemma is the observation that our planet has not warmed recently despite increasing levels of atmospheric CO2, thereby putting in question the dAGW hypothesis.
My question would be whether the «confounding factors» are a real possibility, or whether they have a role akin to that of epicycles in Ptolemaic astronomy, i.e. function to keep alive a hypothesis that has become a dogma.
Therefore I ask the question: Are we confounding a physiological tree age issue with a measurement one?
Nobody needed science to tell us that to err is human, nor that answering questions of perspective are confounded by perspective itself.
Reading in those terms would validate MDAC's approach to the question, which essentially was to ignore a score if it was affected in any way by possible confounding factors.
Just how should you answer those confounding interview questions?
is a common interview question that leaves many applicants confound and don't know what to answer.
Hypotheses 1 - 10 and research questions 1 - 3 were tested by computing second - order partial correlation coefficients, controlling for the potentially confounding effects of financial wellness and income.
In addition, they often fail to adequately record exposure to violence, including to domestic abuse which, as is pointed out above, is itself associated with other confounding risk factors for ADHD, such as prematurity, maternal alcohol abuse, and maternal smoking; for example, domestic abuse is identified in the ALSPAC cohort by the parental question «Has anyone been cruel to you», a question that renders this cohort unsuitable for any study investigating the impact of domestic abuse on children as it is likely to be very insensitive.
Thus, LTA, if used on an instrument that is consistent over the developmental period in question, allows for the examination of the stability of internalizing and externalizing problems without the confounds that have plagued categorical, cutpoint - based research to date.
From personality type evaluation to much more nuanced and mercurial diagnoses, psychological testing can help us answer a wide array of questions pertaining to issues that can confound us and / or cause varying degrees of difficulty in our lives.
From personality type evaluation to much more nuanced and mercurial diagnoses, psychological testing can help us answer a wide array of questions pertaining to issues that can confound us...
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