Sentences with phrase «confrontational approach»

The phrase "confrontational approach" refers to a direct and aggressive way of dealing with a situation or person, often involving conflicts, arguments, or disagreements. Full definition
Leftist Alexis Tsipras, the other candidate who might win, also vows to keep Greece in the Euro, but... he will take a much more confrontational approach with the rest of Europe, and therefore Greece's expulsion risk is seen as being higher.
Trump has been a harsh critic of China's trade policies, while Australia has typically taken a less confrontational approach with China, its largest trading partner.
Trump... has increasingly complained in recent weeks that he needed to consider all options for fighting Mueller and not simply agree to an interview... other members of the legal team share Trump's view that they should take a more confrontational approach with the special counsel, including lawyer Jay Sekulow, who has urged the group to consider the pros and cons of fighting a subpoena, according to people familiar with his advice.
The EU has chosen to put the fate of Europe's future in Juncker's hands - extraordinary as it is - and he in turn has chosen to take an extremely confrontational approach towards Britain in our exit negotiations.
Neuberger Berman has taken a more confrontational approach before.
Essentially what Solondz attempts with Storytelling is an attack on critics of his aggressively confrontational approach to fiction while simultaneously trying to anticipate and deflate future criticism of the same.
But while her work was, superficially, light - years distant from sharks in formaldehyde or Holy Virgins with elephant dung, Saville clearly shared her colleagues» resolutely confrontational approach.
Resolution members agree to follow a Code of Practice that promotes a non confrontational approach to resolving family disputes.
But when the fight and ensuing anti-testing uproar took its toll on his popularity, he pushed for a delay in the implementation and has taken a less confrontational approach with the teachers.
The difference today is that some governments appear more willing to forego a negotiated solution with their bondholders in favor of a more confrontational approach.
The founder and leader of the project had taken a confrontational approach to managing the team.
«The Cuban regime was not interested in antagonizing the Trump administration,» said Craig Deare, who was fired last February as the National Security Council's senior Latin America specialist after he criticized Trump's confrontational approach to Mexico.
If only we had adopted a less confrontational approach.
Northam's campaign credited the fund with bringing Latino voters to the polls, and the fund has vowed to continue its confrontational approach in future elections.
In fact, it is rather symptomatic of a larger problem in American political culture — a confrontational approach towards rising powers and the desire, expressed by both President Obama and the Republican candidates, to keep America stronger than all the rest.
Senator John DeFrancisco (R - Syracuse) is said to be arguing for a more confrontational approach.
New leader Kim Jong - un, who succeeded to the country's leadership after the death of his father Kim Jong - il, appears to have continued its confrontational approach to foreign affairs.
Many of the new peers are former MPs who are seeking to apply the Commons» more confrontational approach to politics to the Lords.
Nicky Morgan, the new education secretary, is expected to adopt a less confrontational approach to the teaching profession.
Her close relationship with the mayor was a break with the political tradition she grew up in ---- as head of both the Housing Justice Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, as a protégé of Duane, who was an outspoken critic of Giuliani while on the Council, and as a top deputy to former Speaker Gifford Miller, who often adopted a confrontational approach toward Bloomberg.
He had become convinced that Gove's confrontational approach to teachers had made him toxic, and he was furious with the way in which his close friend had become embroiled in spats with cabinet colleagues.
But call me naïve — I think Cuomo sincerely wants to find ways to better educate the state's students, which is why his confrontational approach has always seemed weirdly miscalculated.
They say that such a confrontational approach, combined with the lack of anonymity for the complainant, is quite unusual and could deter many alleged victims from filing a complaint.
While graduate students are battling university administrators over their efforts to unionize, postdocs are taking a decidedly less confrontational approach.
Going down the pen pals route to online dating is a less confrontational approach, in our opinion...
The Circus: Inside the Wildest Political Show on Earth, Season 3, Episode 4: In this bonus scene, John Heilemann sits down with former White House counsel to President Bill Clinton, Jack Quinn, as they discuss Rudy Giuliani's legal tactics and Trump's confrontational approach to his impending legal issues.
That's in part because Jia belongs to the so - called «sixth generation» of Chinese cinema — a more anti-establishment and confrontational approach to filmmaking that emerged in the late 1990s.
The confrontational approach and volatile race relations of Fatih Akin's previous films are given a pass for a much more communal portrait of various eccentrics and individuals who find a place in a small community restaurant that redefines itself as a hub of music and food and young, hip patrons.
Mitchell admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle, «It would seem that the membership has decided that they would prefer a more confrontational approach
As much as this may seem like a confrontational approach, in reality, this helps avoid conflicts and prevents unnecessary fights.
Confrontational approaches like pinning your dog down or scruffing him frequently backfire and create the aggression dog owners seek to avoid.
Lucas says ACCCE plans to spend «at least as much» on lobbying as it did last year, but he promises a less confrontational approach.
This relationship prompted criticism from some First Nations, and contributed to his defeat in the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) elections of 2000 by Matthew Coon Come, who adopted a more confrontational approach.
For several years, her highly - rated show featured her bombastic and confrontational approach to high - profile legal cases, like Casey Anthony's high - profile case.
U.S. Trade Rep Bob Lighthizer successfully argued that years of quiet negotiation with Beijing had produced little and now the time had come for a confrontational approach.
Bob Lighthizer successfully argued that the time had come for a confrontational approach with Beijing.
But if President Trump wanted a national security adviser who would match his blunt, hard - edge, confrontational approach to the world, then Mr. Bolton fits the bill.
If President Trump wanted a national security adviser who would match his confrontational approach to the world, then Mr. Bolton fits the bill.
The confrontational approach of the legalistic system often undermines the couple's relationship even further.
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