Sentences with phrase «confronted today»

Historic newspaper archive reveals earliest mentions of credit cards — Consumer credit in the U.S. has its roots in the late 19th century, and the earliest printed mentions of credit shows we confronted today's challenges then... (See Credit in U.S. history)
This description fits a number of Christian schools confronted today with rapidly changing sexual norms.
We can not solve the many problems we confront today by direct appeal to Paul's teaching.
Troublesome and tragic as those times may have been, what we confront today is a generation which has given up on idealism.
The reality with which the early churches at Ephesus, Colossea, and Asia Minor were confronted is the same that confronts us today:
Most recently, they have sought to wrestle — together with people of other faiths — with the awful issues everyone must confront today - nuclear war, hunger, disease, the despoiling of the ecosphere — and to reach into the various traditions as possible sources of values and visions for facing such horrors.
For example, Philip H. Ashby, The Conflict of Religions (New York, 1955), the first work of the first scholar in this field at Princeton, is a discussion «concerning the possible contributions of the religions of the world to the amelioration of the problems of mankind» (p. 192; opening sentence of the concluding chapter); the author is concerned to show that man (sic) can meet the terrible problems that confront him today if he can replace the «conflict» among his various religions with a «combined witness» (p. viii).
Some argue, and I would not disagree, that they run more than 1,300 years into the past, and that what confronts us today is the contemporary expression of a civilizational contest that has ebbed and flowed for well over a millennium.
«There's no one who knows New York City public schools and the challenges that we are confronting today better than Dennis,» Bloomberg said.
Anyone with young children might read this and worry — and that is exactly the challenge those seeking to prevent psychosis confront today.
Thinking about our place in deep time is a good way to focus on the challenges that confront us today, and to make a future worth living in.
Several big and very difficult problems confront today's research scientists, and are getting even worse in 2017!
«Even though there are countless obstacles confronting today's urban schools, I firmly believe that parents and community members can have a profound impact on meeting the needs of children if schools engage them in the right way,» she says.
As students explore the complexities of history and human behavior, they reflect on the choices they confront today and consider how they can make a difference.
As students explore the complexities of history, and make connections to current events, they reflect on the choices they confront today and consider how they can make a difference.
Over breakfast this morning, Eva Moskowitz seemed to rattle off a list of people who are skeptical of her Success Academy charter school chain — teachers union types who are suing her, the media that is scrutinizing her classrooms, the parents who are angry about suspensions or expulsions — some of whom showed up to confront her today.
And this time, vigilante hero DYLAN HUNTER confronts today's corrupt Washington power elites, a host of environmentalist zealots,... Continue reading →
«The combined company will be positioned to solve the most demanding business and technology challenges our customers confront today,» said Mark J. Barrenechea, president and CEO of Rackable Systems.
All these historic narratives seem timely as they reflect the broader societal issues we still confront today.
However, upon closer examination, Fallah's paintings speak to both personal and universal issues confronting today's immigrants.
Sculpture continues to strike out into new territory, harnessing the medium to confront today's commodity world in its own materials or conjuring visionary new objects and environments like nothing seen before.
Not only this, he also creates a revealing journey through some of the most pressing issues confronting us today
What we're confronting today is more intangible.
Upon the release of this report, Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense at that time, stated «Climate change is a «threat multiplier» because it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we already confront today — from infectious disease to armed insurgencies.»
Quoted, «Something Fierce: Legal Departments Confront Today's Rough - and - Tumble IP Arena,» Inside Counsel, January 2011
Key Findings From a 2009 National Parent Survey: Implications for Infant - Toddler Public Policy (PDF - 42 KB) ZERO TO THREE (2010) Explores issues and challenges that parents of young children confront today, where gaps in knowledge of early development exist, what sources of information and support these parents turn to, and what factors influence their approach to parenting.
The end result is a legal system that offers minimal protection to human rights and a system of government that has failed to seriously address the human rights challenges that Indigenous peoples have faced in the past and those which confront them today.

Not exact matches

As employers are forced to confront what really makes employees successful today, what skills and traits are they seeking in candidates?
«Today is the day when Britain steps back from the brink, when we confront the bills from a decade of debt,» Osborne explained in the House of Commons.
Putting aside the rumored Brown - Forman deal, the problem Constellation Brands must confront is that there aren't many attractive spirits acquisition targets out there today.
Today, entrepreneurs who market their services online are confronting their own version of this.
But the reality that all leaders must confront is that being influential today requires competing for attention in the online realms of Facebook and Google, today's towering kings of media.
By confronting the reality of today's 24/7 environment head - on, we help our clients create the repeatable actions that lead to peak performance.
Summers said historians would judge today's leaders not on their response to the crisis but on whether they did what was necessary to confront this longer - term challenge, according to the participant.
Health insurers today are confronted with the need to modernize their infrastructure in the face of exponential growth in the volume of data and the methods of its use.
If each of the countries facing secular stagnation today were to confront it successfully on its own, the results would be very favorable for the global economy.
There is an obvious set of tactical temptations today confronting B2B organizations.
There is high pitch frenzy for B2B leaders today in terms of being confronted internally and externally with persuasive arguments for the latest and greatest new technology or services that promises high returns.
Using the research discipline of ethnography to understand the situations confronting buyers today.
Buyers are confronted more so today than ever on making choices about the goals they pursue.
I confronted the «bullies» today.
For some Wesleyans today the greatest challenge confronting the church is to respond to the diversity of cultures and ethnicities that now characterize urban American society.
Today, we face the same challenge that confronted those who have gone before us.
Ancient Israel confronts us both, revealing once again: These wars today aren't holy.
If we are to understand why Protestant thinkers today accept the peculiar difficulties that confront them when they reject the kind of natural theology that Thomism represents, we must understand the systematic difficulties that Thomism itself encounters.
Khameni described Israel as a «cancerous tumor» and «the biggest problem confronting Muslim countries today
Today the acute issue confronting Christians is whether they can or should extend to those outside the Christian family a similar appreciative and cooperative spirit.
In his day Dominic confronted Catharism, of which the New Age movement in its various forms is a descendant, and even the neo-atheism of today.
Yet, both became the making of changes in the institutional structure was not his chief concern and because his human vista was limited by the conditions of a simple peasant society east of the Mediterranean in the first century A.D., he obviously could not foresee or make pronouncements upon the vast complex of particular problems that confront Christians in today's world.
Confronting sin is as important today as it ever was, and we have seen some terrible consequences of not dealing with it.
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